Airton Sena

The author affirms that the creation of this space is fruit of contradictions and tensions, therefore in it is involved the interests of the Capital in its diverse segments, of the force of work and the State. After to transit for the place, we were to the bridge of the salvation, way of access between the popular nesting Airton Sena and the quarter of Hunter, where one perceives the different forms to inhabit. While we see to the right edge a scene of poverty and pssimas habitability conditions, in the right edge of the Capibaribe what one sees they are luxurious building with requintes. For the Bridge of the salvation it is possible to have a sight over the barracos, that allows in them to analyze a little of the form of occupation of the ground, the alleys and the subdivided houses to more than receive a family in one same space. Of the one to perceive that the size of the houses is very small its walls not very high. Continue to learn more with: Marc Lore.

As it points Ribeiro: The popular production of the great cities is marked by the sign of the quotidiana fight and by situations of life that launch the poor population in situations without recognized legitimacy and legality (clandestine slum quarters, land divisions, informal commerce of street). The legal not-recognition of these conditions of the urban survival makes with that, in fact, either white permanent of the devices of repression and social control. To speech in this repression the author sends in them to the onslaughts against this type of habitation since the decade of 1960 (Campaign against the Mocambos), on the part of the governments in the three instances: municipal theatre, state and federal. Currently if it has not only a concern with the embelezamento of the cities, as in passed projects, but thanks to the social movements, if fight for projects that offer worthy conditions of housing for poor, allowing that also they can have quality of life for itself and for all of the community.

| November 29th, 2019 | Posted in News |

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