Average Education

The conception of searching professor sends in them to a paradigm: education and research. When the professor is said as researcher, this is seen as one ' ' solucionador of problemas' ' in the educational area, that is, expectations are great servants in relation to this professor. With the finishing of the research, if this not to generate resulted positive, many times the searching professor is pointed as the responsible one for not the resolution of the pertaining to school problems. Many times the same do not have the support of the school to exert its career of searching professor, leaving it thus, at some moments, not motivated. 3.A University and the Schools of Basic and Average Ensino: an important relation in the Formation of the Professor of Geography the relations between the University and the Schools of Basic and Average Education, whose basic objective is pautado in the teaching formation, would have to be ample and harmonious. The amplitude of the same ones would be in the possibilities of performance of the probationary learning in the practical one developed inside of the classrooms, already the harmony, would be related to the acceptance of the trainees in the pertaining to school environment for all the managing team of the school.

This contact between the University and the Schools only happens in the period of the period of training. Space this, in which, the learning of the Course of Licenciatura in Geography participates as observing and listener of some lessons, observing the regency of the professor who gives disciplines it. When reflecting this contact, we notice that the learning is not playing its role of researcher, therefore does not have nothing to offer of new the professor who is in the classroom. Malysz (2007), in the article ' ' Period of training in partnership university-education bsica' ' , it ahead places a personal point of view of the reality for analyzed it, in which the interaction between probationary learning is seen as an alternative of interaction with the professors of regular education.

| November 3rd, 2018 | Posted in News |

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