Castilian Girona

To see + photographies: Girona (Catalonia) Girona has all the enchantment of the great cities, but without multitudes; a done city to size human to relax in all the slopes: streets, celebrations, cultural supply, tourist restaurants, services, events, festivales, vistala so many times as you want, always it will surprise to you. In the old helmet or Barri Bell it is the expression that denominates the historical center of Girona, from the Great one Via de Jaume I to the stroll of the Wall. The bridges on the Onyar river are the accesses to the oldest part of the city. Girona, surrounded during centuries of walls has written its history through the fortifications. The strategic situation, the necessity to defend and the undergone warlike episodes throughout the centuries have marked their appearance.

They follow the perrons of the Cathedral and the church to him of Sant Feliu, together with the elegant sobriety of Romance buildings like the old monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants or the Banys Arabs, the Arab baths. When to go: The year can be visited throughout. If in summer you can enjoy the city and its Costa Brava to only 30 minutes of beaches, in winter it is possible to be enjoyed the city and the tracks of ski to only two hours of the ski resort Vallter 2000 located in the mountain range of the Pyrenees. How many days: Two days it is sufficient to visit the city. To lodge: Capital Girona has more than 20 hotels in the city and with prices to all the pockets. To look for Hotel in Girona Transports: The public transport, in this case the bus, is the unique one and the most concurred of the city, the taxi would be the second transports. Language: The spoken language more is Catalan and the Castilian like second language.

| August 29th, 2013 | Posted in News |

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