Education Holistic Gallegos

This test consists in the analysis of some books that Ramon Gallegos Nava wrote, is the creator of holistic education and the author that more it has been written on the subject worldwide, 25 books so far. Ramon Gallegos, had several dialogues with national and international personalities who know and practice the holistic education, in which dealt with interesting topics that help us to glimpse on universal love, compassion, happiness and joy. The first dialogue is with Atsuhiko Yoshida (President of the Japanese society for holistic education) and speaks with Ramon Gallegos on education holistic in Mexico and Japan. The second dialogue is with Jeffrey Kane (Editor of Ecounter main magazine of holistic education in North America) comment on spirituality, our true nature. The following dialogue is the quiet revolution through education holistic I do Dr.

Gallegos with Roger Prentice. (Founder of the Institute for holistic education in) England) the holistic education should not be constructed as an academic discipline fragmented, but as a field of spiritual knowledge and as such, should be consistent with the Act and speak. Holistic education is transformative and great support for educators and to ensure such a transformation must have a direct experience with the spirituality, and as says David Bohm we have capacity for dialogue, work together, not try to impose our ideas on others, the idea of defeating them. Educators holistas community has particular features that make you look a balance between acting and have a special action type, how to transform in silence what you might call a quiet revolution, without violence, without weapons, making conscious and harmonious actions. We must build a better world with people who love the life on Earth, with relations based on peace, solidarity and harmony. Ron Miller (author of the book: that schools, holistic education in culture are made) American) comments with Dr. Gallegos envelope, the evolution of consciousness and cultural change.

| May 8th, 2016 | Posted in News |

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