Educative Entertainment

never I was more far from what my yard. My plane table of drawing was my flying encyclopedia carpet, always overloaded that earned of friends. Until arriving at the Disney studios, Barks was farmer, woodcutter, torneiro, conductor of mules, printer cattle tender and. It was with 34 years when he aterrizou in California, and the life teaches to it that the mood preserves the health and increases the survival notion Le Voyage dans there Lune (Trip to the Moon), of authorship of the Frenchman Georges Melis, a compound of painter, ilusionist, theatrical designer and mechanic, been born in 1861. To know more about this subject visit Comedian. Melis had 35 years when it started to produce films, and seems that all the tricks of the future cinema, or the cinema of the future, already they were in its head.

Camera slow and sped up, juxtaposition of images, drawing livened up mixed with reality, miniatures, artificial snow, Melis painted and embroidered and discovered until the gold key of the ticket office: the feminine naked. Ed Bastians opinions are not widely known. Nor the Seven Crystal Balls, of Herg ( Tintim the Mines of King Salomo, without never in the life having at least heard to speak of the subject. It would be enough, however, a first time. If in full century XXI the primarismo of the reactions human beings in sends the caves to them of Altamira, is of if thinking as it reacted the auditorium, about as an instant, after the projection of the 16 minutes of Trip to the Moon Expensive Lucrecio to the Magical Lantern elapses 1,700 years approximately. Of the Lantern to the projector of Auguste and Louis Lumire more 300 years. In the last decade of century XIX it is had clear impression of that an individual effort, that is, each one in its I sing, without communication some with its pairs of creation, culminates in an international effort so that the cinema happened. In England, Willian Friese Greene and Willian Dickson (this last one worked for Takes Edison), in France, Louis Leprince (that it disappeared mysteriously), in the North America, Birt Acres, in Germany, Max Skaladanowski, in Italy, Filoteo Alberini.

Long it is the list that if has notice, impracticable perhaps either the real list. This effort, generically speaking, was to make possible the cinetoscpio Edison (and generic), and its adequacy to the perception human being of the images for second. From this parameter, it was in a short period of time that the technology if adjusted to the being, (about of 3 years), and of the conceived ones Trip to the Moon, of Melis, will occur in 1902 and in this date Carl Barks it was with some months of life. Century XX will be, without the shadow of a doubt, taxed here of many labels, being valid then friction as the century of the cinema and the quadrinhos. Two distinct forms, even so one in such a way cousins, to condense and to popularize information that before existed only in libraries.>

| January 26th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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