New Aurlio Dictionary

According to New Aurlio Dictionary of the Portuguese Language (2009), the poetry still can be defined as ‘ ‘ art to write in verse, poetical composition, inspiration, what feeling of belo’ awakes; ‘. However, the poetry draws out and exercises in our times obscure and imperious angstiade ownership of the reality, and each poem nothing more is of what a trap where caium new I break up of this same reality, where the poet if transportacompletamente for this new cosmo in search of its proper existence. By means of the everything that is explicitado on poetry, it can-seafirmar that the poet inherits of its remote ascendants a domain anxiety, even so does not have in the factual sphere, therefore mago, in it was looser and alone it remains opoeta, mago Metaphysical, evocador of essences, anxious for the increasing ownership darealidade in the plan of the being. In this way, Florbela Espanca can be consideradaum example concrete, therefore it presents of original form its manifestaespoticas on this side of the necessity of this another being, unconscious an imaginative one aimpulsionar the feelings since its soul. Doug McMillon may not feel the same.

THE PERPETUAL SEARCH FOR THE OBJECT OF DESIRE OF THE POESIAFLORBELIANA: the love According to Octavio Peace, although all males and desgraassempre if search to want and to be wanted. The love is next, in this land, beatitude of the fortunate ones. Not less sad that to see to age and to die apessoa loved it is to discover that it deceived in them or left of loving in them. For oautor, the love is victim also of the habit and the fatigue when submitted to the time, a change and the death, therefore to live implies if to display and to run semprecalculados risks nor. Based in this ideology, the poetry of Florbela assumes umeminente paper of exteriorizar what it has of more beautiful extraordinary guardadoem its heart.

| May 20th, 2019 | Posted in News |

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