Protect Your Skin From Premature Aging

Nature has programmed the aging of the body and thus also the skin, even in the genes of every person. Where in the later years of life, wrinkles appear on the face, is sealed from birth. Whether the time on the biological clock of the body cells of a man running rapidly or gradually, is still part of us in our own hands. For the premature aging of the skin depends to 80% of these external influences that can affect everyone: * Excessive, frequent sunbathing * ozone * Too much smoke * Excessive alcohol consumption * Stress * For continuous dry heated air in winter * Dried air through air conditioners in summer * Incorrect or badly neglected skin caused by such factors more free radicals, or the skin suffers from too much dryness. In the worst case, the skin ages excessively fast. For in the genes responsible for aging are inevitable scale: * Change of cell structures from free radicals. Free radicals are formed in the body bythe metabolism of the cells in a natural way. They are highly reactive compounds hold, the unpaired electrons. To compensate for this deficiency, they rob electrons from the intact cell structures (fats, proteins or genetic material of the nucleus). This process is called oxidation. Sun-damaged cell structures themselves are now looking for an electron, which they in turn tear from an intact connection. The resulting chain reaction causing considerable damage, if free radicals are present in abundance. In well proportioned quantity of free radicals are useful because they help the immune system. With age, however, outweigh the oxidative processes to the natural mechanisms to keep the free radicals in balance. The oxidative stress arises. * Cells are formed incorrectly. Shortens with each cell division the DNA of a cell. A normal cell can not repair this error after many divisions themselves. The required information to the creation of new cells are transported incorrectly. Harold Ford Jr, New York City might disagree with that approach. TheAbility to divide and life of a normal cell is thus limited. * Lack of energy. Be) Above all, the power plants of cells (mitochondria damaged by free radicals. But errors cultured cells lead to an energy deficit. The metabolism slows down. This provides further advance the aging process. * Changes in hormone balance. The hormones control enzymes, which in turn protect cells from damage or repair the damage already incurred. The hormones also influence the sebaceous and sweat glands, which are decisive for the formation of the acid mantle. Repair and protection activities ebb with age.

| September 30th, 2019 | Posted in News |

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