

Body of a pregnant requires a large number of proteins, as it the basis of life, building material of the body. They take part in the formation of antibodies. High quality protein found in milk, eggs, hard cheese, fermented cheese, meat and fish. These products are necessary and amino acids. Of plant products is recommended: beans, peas, oats and buckwheat. In the first trimester, the expectant mother should eat 3-4 times a day. In the second half of pregnancy, women should avoid spicy food, soups and gravies. Eat more vegetables, dairy products and fruit juices.

Particular attention should be paid to eat foods that contain iron and vitamins – it's vegetables, fruits and berries. There is a need now to 5-6 on the day. And in the normal course of pregnancy weight gain should not exceed 350-400 grams per week. Pregnant woman should get up to 100 gr. fat per day, which contain high amounts of vitamins A, D, E and B. It is extremely helpful butter and sunflower oil.

But excessive fat intake affects appetite, affects the blood formation. And remember that every day you should drink 1 liter of fluid. The body of pregnant women most need for mineral salts. In 1 liter of milk contains as much calcium and phosphorus, as in 12 oranges, and 340 gr. sour milk cheese. If you need to eat food toxicosis often in small portions. Can be excluded from the menu very sweet and acidic foods. During pregnancy, a significant burden falls on the blood-forming organs. Pregnant women may develop anemia. Therefore, you should receive daily iron, which is found in liver, kidney, raisins, plums. And, of course, vitamins! Fresh fruit, berries, vegetables, including fennel, parsley, lettuce and other green-stuff is the main source of vitamin B. And remember that there is no need for two, but for two. Very often, women during pregnancy and the postpartum period are overweight.

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Dietary Supplements

An overdose of them, as opposed to natural, can lead to severe poisoning and allergies, especially in children. In the area of dietary supplements is not observed. Whenever Rafael Nadal listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Y lobavok quality counterfeits are no contraindications – nairedchayshy case. (Not to be confused with Rafael Nadal!). Over the past 8 years the French have begun to take much more of dietary supplements. Statistics confirm that more than 87% of French people use them regularly.

And in 2005, acknowledged that France was the healthiest country in the World! Experts predict that a systematic method of quality nutritional supplements designed to significantly improve the health of the population. But, is it – right? Practice shows that – yes, OST's true. And so, now just need to take dietary supplements. It is an indispensable attribute of a healthy lifestyle, as they contain a huge number of active substances. AND not surprising that the worldwide demand for them grows. However, it should begin as soon as possible.

Why wait for the manifestation of the first signs of illness? Why should we, like the cautious Europeans and Americans, not take care of their health for five years prior to the problem, not five minutes before his death, as we used to? B principle, to restore balance to the changing environment, we only need to include dietary supplements in their daily diet, so your body is fully received those substances that should receive, and secured the protection of what is called the excess of civilization – from air pollution, water, food quality and finishing unavoidable stress. Of course, someday it will happen. Just because there is no other alternative. Supplements are able to overcome joint ailments, improve vision in all aspects of health – almost return it to us. What we need to know when choosing nutritional supplements? – First of all, must be careful of fakes. Hastoyaschie dietary supplements have passed all the necessary clinical trials and have all the necessary documentation. Before use any supplements you should consult with specialists. To supplement benefited, remember that you need to take a clear time limit and in combination with an appropriate diet. Then, you need to know Recently, Russia has emerged dietary supplements made of innovative technologies in accordance with standard GMP, and of course – is the most effective, what can be. These qualities have biologically active agents (additives food from VISION)

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Intrauterine Life

Most are out of luck to those who were born during the flowering of grasses or angiosperm trees. Scientists have discovered an interesting rule: if the last three months of intrauterine life and the first six since the birth occurred in the autumn or winter, the manifestation of hay fever in the child will be much weaker. Even if he – hereditary allergies. Misunderstanding the seventh. You may want to visit Ray White to increase your knowledge. Prevent the seasonal exacerbation of allergy is not who you say? Experts are convinced that the difficult season can and should be prepared in advance. One of the latest and most effective – method of specific hyposensitization, consists in introducing a quiet period of the disease of small doses of the allergen under the skin or under the tongue.

With such 'grafting' in the body of man suffering from allergies formed by resistance to the stimulus. Communicating with those responsible for the emergence of atopy with antibodies, allergen neutralizes them. According to legend, likewise taught himself to small doses of venom and Napoleon did not die when then tried to poison him. The effectiveness of treatment by hyposensitization shows and modern medical practice. Now, the recovery observed in eight (!) Out of ten cases. Recently, the already standard tests for allergy plant was added new advanced method of diagnostic Swedish Pharmacia Diagnostics to test Phadiatop, allowing to identify a hereditary allergy to very early stages.

It's enough drop of blood in which is a mixture of small amounts of different allergens. If there is a reaction to at least one of them, there can be no doubt: the person has an allergy. And that's what it is, you need to understand in more detail, test it on the greatest possible number of allergens. Allergy sufferers in a note to get rid of allergies, alas, is impossible. But make life easier for allergy sufferers – a very real problem. It is only necessary to observe a number of simple but effective rules. If possible, refuse from some fruits and vegetables. If you are allergic to birch pollen, apple, hazel and alder, be especially careful when using apples, cherries, plums, peaches, carrots, potatoes, kiwi fruit. If your whip – quinoa, restrict his diet to spinach and beets. If you cough and sneeze during flowering sage, we should expect an allergy to citrus fruits, chicory, sunflower seeds, butter, halva, honey. And there are no rolls! On spring (season exacerbations of allergies) from the daily diet, this product, as well as cereals, pasta, stale bread, cookies, those who are allergic to house dust, it is better to withdraw. You should not they also to eat and foods containing yeast and mold (beer, brew, champagne, wine, apple and grape juices, various cheeses). Recent studies have shown that hay fever appears together with latex allergy. At the time of flowering trees and grasses do not try to use rubber gloves, condoms, latex bathing caps, tights with Lycra, and young children less likely to give a pacifier. Provocateurs pollinosis can become and house plants. Especially dangerous in this respect, ficus, begonias, ivy, jasmine, Madagascar, chrysanthemum, dieffenbachia, and geranium. Take prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and sopletecheniya and you still have. After 45 years, when the 'wooden' and 'herbal' allergy is on the wane.

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How To Avoid Sugar Traps

You are in stress, stress, bad mood, or the need to comfort you, can increase cravings for sweets because sweets increased the content of the brain 'hormone of joy' you can do serotonina.Chto Eat more complex carbohydrates – whole grain breads, cereals, legumes, etc., the effect is the same, but instead of harm – a benefit for the health and waistline. At the same time, you urgently need to see the world in the "pink", limit the proteins – they inhibit the action of serotonin. As an option, do some things that are not related to food, but also conducive to improving mood – walk, do some fitness, listen to music. And, of course, need to look and eliminate the cause of stress to reduce the need for sugar and reduce the risk of pereedaniya.U have low blood sugar levels Low blood sugar causes hunger, and cravings for sweets, so what you get need to eat foods that can quickly solve this problemu.Chto you can do Listen to yourself, sit at the table on time, without waiting for presyncope – it will help control the "sweet Jordan." Eat 5.4 once a day, wear a small bag of food supply in case you get hungry. To blood sugar levels remained stable for a long time, you need complex carbohydrates and protein.

Food for the company According to statistics, in the company we eat more than in isolation. Having a chat with friends over coffee and pastries in choosing the menu, keep in mind – if the table is at least 6 people, we, without realizing it, eat 2-3 times more than we hochetsya.Chto you Eat slowly you do, be aware – you eat because you feel like it, or because your partner is eating? If a control is difficult, think in advance an alternative cake. But do not forbid myself sweet categorically – it only provokes sryvy.Vy energetically depleted after exercise you can do what you need regular refueling complex carbohydrates such as whole grain, fruit, vegetables. Avoid a diet low in sugar as you uglevodov.Dlya drug Excessive sugar consumption can lead to unusual dependence, when you feel that you can not do without the sweet taste and its calming effect. Sugar is not any comparison, of course, with drugs or alcohol, which can lead to real physical dependence. In the case of sugar, it is rather a function of psychological. Keep in mind – the excessive amount of sugar can not meet the centers of the brain responsible for feelings of pleasure.

All calories are eaten nothing, what can you do a plan gradual reduction of the amount eaten sugar. Keep a food diary, keep track of all the sweets eaten per day, think through what in the first place can reduce the consumption of sugar. Easiest to start with limit soda and other sugary drinks. Your goal – to achieve a balanced and cautious attitude to sugar. If you are actively engaged in fitness, you can pull on a sweet after your workout. Exercise stress depletes liver glycogen, the body requires replenishment.

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The Solutions

It should be carried away by business, immerse oneself in any process, as one can hardly recall having missed lunch, and dinner is long gone. Well, do you not this happened? So much food, for reflection. Okay, this is cause and what are the solutions? Eat less and move more! All people think so. And then the fun begins. That circumstance, in which people identify themselves as chronically overweight. Determined to lose weight, they by itself, does not want to spend too much time, and putting strict limits some of the diets, take off pounds 10.15 per month.

Then, at the end of "lose weight or die" again fall into gluttony, gaining even more weight. Someone say, I did not hog it, once lost, but the weight still came back to the past. That's right, it's natural. Nature can not be deceived, look what happens when you lose weight quickly. Dietary restrictions and reinforced workout for the body are stress, and, looking at the daily loss of weight, it goes into economy mode, in fact, he still tries to make stock.

And when you stop losing weight, he did not know that the stress is over and continues to store, store … right? So much talk about the metabolic rate and fat people are firmly convinced that this is the reason for their completeness. But knowing all this, somehow it still purposefully slowed method described above. So what can we expect the same results from this approach? We say that the first reason why people do not lose weight.

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The Gym

16 hours: an apple. In the evening: an apple slice, sprinkle it with lemon juice and eat a piece of cheese weighing 150 g; Result: your weight will decrease by 1 kg per day diet. 30 to 40: Hail VEGETABLES! Between 30 and 40 years, most of us live very active lives: family, work, children – and, of course, is another couple of extra pounds: it starts with 30 years of slow metabolism. Ideal in such cases vegetable diet: First, it reduces the so-called attacks of hunger, and secondly, if its application is not 'oscillatory effect, "when weight is added, then diminished. Morning: Mix oatmeal and corn flakes (not sweet), fill the low-fat milk and add one grated carrot. Eat a cup of this mixture. 11 am: a cucumber.

Lunch: 2 boiled potatoes in their skins with a lot of any vegetables. 16 hours: Bulgarian red pepper. Evening: allow yourself to enjoy vegetables – cook any vegetable salad that you like. With a salad you can eat a fat slice of rye bread. Learn more about this with Harold Ford Jr. Result: Your weight will drop to 2 kg per day diet. Additional advice: try to 'rough abuse 'of food is not more than 2 times per month. If you exercise regularly, do not plan to put on your workout discharge diet is best done in the gym for 30-45 minutes 2 times a week. Those who are not involved in sports, this time should be given to active walks. 40 to 50: to lean on the RIS Almost every after 40 years would like to get rid of excess weight.

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Deep Breathing

For example, it tries to sing raising and lowering of tone in the musical scale, of the form in which they do it to the singers before a concert. It aloud reads a note or a page of a book, varying the volume, tone, speed and quality. You do some exercises of streching, like tocarte the toes and to turn the head from a side to another one. Many writers such as NBA offer more in-depth analysis. It practices different gestures like indicating, closing your fist, or encogerte of shoulders. Like the musicians and athletes, these exercises of heating will help relajarte and to be sure that you are far better preparation for presentarte. 3. He uses the Deep Breathing. A fast form to calm your anxiety is through the deep breathing.

Taking deep breathings through your nose, maintaining the air while accounts up to five, and soon exhala the air slowly by the mouth. While exhalas, feels how the pressure and the nervousness little by little are drained by your arms, and leave by the end of your fingers, apart from which they are lowering by your body, your legs, and also end up leaving by the fingers your feet. The procedure repeats one second or third time if it is necessary. 4. It prepares an Introduction that Relaxes to you and to your Public. The majority of the exhibitors knows that once secures a favorable reaction of the public, they will relax. For this reason, several exhibitors begin with the good humor – he relaxes them to this to them and to its public.

If a humoristic introduction is inadequate for the occasion or you do not feel comfortable with humor, to share a personal experience is another alternative. As you prefer, it realises your first movements in such a way that you can sentirte comfortable during your exhibition.

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