The Christian Combat

Text: Ef 6:11 – 18 Subject: The Christian Combat Education: Which are the weapons for the combat of the Christian life? Introduction All costumam to be dressed as the occasion adequately: Athlete for competition, appropriate visits special (snow, beach, montanhismo), clothes for each type of party etc. Doug McMillon is the source for more interesting facts. the Bible in the alert one on a Combat and says that we must be dresses with appropriate vestments. I. The Enemy In the read text (Ef 6:11 – 18), the Bible says in them that our battle is against the Satan and its Kingdom (vs.12). The Satan Kingdom is enemy of God and our souls. Born in the kingdom it on the incredulous world. It is the god of this century (2Co4: 4), the prince of the world (Jo12.31). The Border the Death is the limit.

Of it the natural man does not escape. Hb 2.15? ' ' all that, for the terror of the death, were citizens to the slavery for all vida.' ' Rm 5:21? ' ' the sin reigned for the death, ' ' II. Its army? SUBJECTS Its subjects are the beings spirituals, invisible, fallen angels, malignant espritos. They are countless. Apocalypse 12:9 and was banishes the Satan, the whole world seducer, and, with it, its angels. 2 Corntios 11:15 is not very, therefore, that its proper ministers if transform into justice ministers; the end of them will be in agreement its workmanships. Landmarks 5:9 Which is your name? It answered: Legion (+ 6,000 men) is my name, because we are many.

SLAVES Are the decayed humanity. Mateus 16:23 But Jesus, turning itself, said Peter: Arreda, the Satan! You are for me rock of slip, because you do not cogitate of the things of God, and yes of the ones of the men. 1 Timteo 4:1 However, the Spirit affirms express that, in the last times, some will apostataro of the faith, for obeying to the deceptive espritos and educations of demons.

| December 21st, 2018 | Posted in News |

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