The Students

The academic performance of the students is limited with a tendency to low ratings, this generates conflicts between parents and children, since the students think that their parents require them much and parents believe that their children do not strive (are stupid), creating a circle of concern and emotional destabilization in households. It is not fair that the age more happy children, childhood and growth, this fenced bad times when studying, doing unhappy these years of life, since you see the study as a cause of scolding and ill-treatment by parents teachers and society in general, if do not teach you to study not you can scold them for that reason dale tools and will have a happy student and a grateful son. Students have to spend long hours of study on the preparation of exams and lessons, because who can’t study to reach a proper understanding or a reasoned memorization of knowledge. There is a direct connection between knowledge and its practical application, making the students lose interest in the topics of study. Teachers are making additional efforts to try to improve the teaching process, without mostly satisfactory results.

There is with interactive tools that promote self-learning in a friendly manner and within an appropriate technological environment. There is the need for a methodology validated for our educational environment. From there that there is a need to improve the way of teaching and study in children and adolescents, creating an effective habit since basic education elementary school to build solid foundations for their integral development. Thus arises the decision of Foundation quality Ecuador to promote the pilot project for the Application of techniques of study, learning methods and tools Mnemotecnicas of educational support and perform his validation as a methodology of work to learn how to study. We deeply believe in the fact that by providing quality education, will be developing the foundations for a future of prosperity and progress.

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| August 23rd, 2019 | Posted in News |

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