Verbal Language

To learn to coexist the differences, to recognize them forms, having as to coexist the differences as legitimate and to know to defend them in public space will make with that the pupil reconstru auto-esteem. The language in its update, represents and reflects the experience in action, the emotions, desires, necessities, the vision of world, values, point of view. The verbal language is meeting and fight, is body the body that does not admit passivity. The option of the pupil for a current point of view, in determined situation, is part of a conscientious and assumed reflection, that exactly provisory. The importance to liberate the expression of the opinion of the pupil, exactly that she is not ours, allows that it creates a direction for the communication of its thought. To leave to say, to write all the forms, having as goal the organization of the texts. The school cannot guarantee the language use is of its space, but it must guarantee the use of the such exercise of ample use in its space, as form of instrumentalizar the pupil in its performance social. The space of the Portuguese Language in the school is to guarantee the ethical and aesthetic use of the verbal language; to make to understand for the language is possible to transform to reiterate the social one, the cultural one, the staff; to accept the complexity human being, the respect you say for them, as it has left of the posveis voices is necessary for the human development, at last, to make the pupil if to understand with a text in constant dialogue with the other texts. When reading this text, many educators will be able to ask where it is literature, the grammar, the production of the written text, the norms. The traditional contents form incorporated for a bigger perspective, that is the language. The point of view, any that are, are a text between texts and will be recriado in another text, objectifying the socialization of the forms to think, to act and to feel, the necessity to understand the language as part of the proper knowledge of itself and the culture and the ethical and aesthetic responsibility of the social use of the language materna.

| May 16th, 2019 | Posted in News |

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