Cambodia Energy

The power savings provided by other means be made so often be offset”Birgit Holfert, energy expert at the White Consumer Federation. It should not be, says Alexander Schlosser: mobile communication devices today unite a variety of functions for the long time own devices were required. Today a single Smartphone can replace multiple devices the MP3 player up to the navigation device and Internet access for surfing and the use of social networks such as Facebook, from your mobile phone via the camera.” Because however in reality not everyone with the purchase of new equipment, gives up his old, for example, switching to a green electricity supplier offers the possibility to enter an ecologically good connection which is often even cheaper than the base provider. The biggest energy wasters in the communication the largest energy consumption at the private, classical communication devices have desktop PC and laptop, followed by the Tablet PC, at third and fourth place of Smartphone and mobile phone”, says Alexander Schlosser. His most important tips to power consumption and costs to reduce are: 1). on Energiesparlabel care who buys new equipment, can orient themselves with look at the energy consumption of energy label such as, for example, energy star. Others who may share this opinion include CVS. (2) Screen brightness adjust the brightness of the screen has a very high impact on the energy consumption not only in mobile devices. (3) Many information and communication devices use energy saver options have extensive power-management settings.

Who uses them, saves energy, and has a longer battery life. (4) Standby avoid best man turns off just completely the devices after their active use. This also includes to disconnect the devices after they were properly turned off completely from the power supply. Sources: * ARD/ZDF online study 2012 * founded BITKOM study power company, 72 percent of cell phone owners until the Polaris GmbH became 30 minutes / day Polaris in 2011, to change the world. As an independent energy provider Polaris inspires people worldwide for energy transformation and allows them meaningful transition to renewable energy. The company offers a product that consumers in all Germany not only 100% genuine green electricity, but also 100 percent genuine eco gas with direct aid connects. Each customer as active provides related his energy for the expansion of renewable energies in Europe and in developing countries. To 1.25 cents at current and 0.25 cents at the gas will be invested in new European eco-power plants sold per kilowatt hour.

In addition, Polaris for each customer supports a family in Cambodia with the use of clean energy. The building is supported by micro biogas plants. This improves the quality of life both here and there. Green electricity as well as eco gas are certified by the TuV Nord; the eco power supply carries beyond the green electricity label, quality label in the category of gold. Polaris the professional snowboarder David Benedek, Andreas protecting Berger of the Skate equipment maker IOU is supported by well known and dedicated persons like the extreme climber Hans Kammerlander, RAMPS and Jonas Imbery, founders of the music label GOMMA.

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| August 15th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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