Flags and Swords

Q: why the use of flags and swords? Do bring the bull to death? A: it is a demonstration, not of power, since in force they carry more power, but human beings as thinking, takes a step forward, is as a force against strategy or reasoning. Q: do you think that the time come that the fiesta brava, to not represent good business, can continue to exist, only now that by pure love of the art of a few? And what so close you think you might be this time? A: Yes can be, i.e., once you get into the whole bullfighting environment, is already very difficult thou goest out. With regard to when, well, unfortunately every time squares are emptier, less are entrepreneurs who want to invest in making an event, then if the situation there is critical. Q: Finally, many people comment on the process that passes the bull before the Bullfight was having an email and already there are several associations that say that del toro is misused before you leave, do you think give us about this? A: Yes, to start all that mail is false, and I can sign with own blood (laughter) because I know what a bull before each run. Del toro is to which most cares you, since if del toro does not arrive with their powers to 100%, it won’t show, you know? One as Bullfighter should not be a bull arrives without force, which is falling, that this sitting or lying down during the Bullfight, no emotion, people get angry, don’t return, then by so much that it is false. Fernando said goodbye to a smiling and pleasant way. This guy being the youngest of three brothers, has dedicated his life to be a bullfighter, which stands proudly. And now a very brief investigation, and brief given to not I found more information about the suit or dress of lights.

One of the best answers I found to this question, was as follows: this costume comes from the majismo which was a cultural movement contrary to the illustrated. This movement was characterized by its form of clothing, and for being the revelers, men facing life with courage, actions and words. Just as the matadors did. On 12 February, rescued: original author and source of the article..

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| January 28th, 2022 | Posted in News |

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