
Where if it would have put this girl? My parents had also made a minute search in house and in the yard, but nor signal of it. They had even looked for in the hen house, where every day it went with my mother pra to catch eggs. You may find that NBA can contribute to your knowledge. It simply was not in none of these places. All we, the crianada one, the uncle Dimitrius, my parents, find in them, our Headquarters, in the kitchen, to the side of the Gertrudes, to decide what to make, and great quo was our surprise when the uncle Dimitrius opened the refrigerator to catch water who was there inside? Proper caulinha. Uuufff! How I alliviate we feel! In the running, in the desperation, nobody gave attention that ours cachorrinho, the Xampu, was the time all to the side of ' ' Gertrudes' ' , not wide it of my sister caulinha.

With certainty it saw when it locked itself in the refrigerator and was there waiting it to leave and also she stops informing in them that it was there. Laugh had been alone. But nobody obtained today until explaining as one criancinha of four years obtained to lock itself in a refrigerator, with a door so weighed as ' ' Gertrudes' '. In the early 70’s, the refrigerator in such a way called the attention the people in our small city that some had arrived at the point to venderem ice to the children who did not know or that they did not have refrigerators. In the entire country the popularity of the refrigerator was enormous. They had made until a music speaking on the capacity to make ice of the refrigerator, was one I dialogue between father e

| July 20th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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