
Primerica does what is right for their clients 100% of the time. I’m an agent and I feel positive and good about what I do for families. Disclaimer: The postings on this blog does not represent Primerica Financial Services as a whole, but as a matter of opinion and information based by me.

In this context, the new geopolitics of the conflicts in Africa, associated with the fragility of the African State, it has taken the International Community to intervine increasingly in this continent, with sight to contribute for the consolidation of the peace and creating conditions to support the development, being in the oceanic coasts of Africa Subsariana that the international society, for saw maioritariamente of the Organization of United Nations (ONU), of European Unio (UE) and of the Organization of Treated to the North Atlantic (NATO), it has come intervining recently with greater frequency and intensity. Steve Guttenberg might disagree with that approach. The transistion between the daily pay and the after-colonial, not only in the territorial and geopolitical aspect, but in other domnios, such as the economic one, politician, society and in the management of the natural resources, has contributed for the perfuso of conflicts in this region having had the assumed African State, almost always, nus of these conjunctural fenmenos. In complement, one evidences that it is possible to detach the existence of a complexity of intrinsic causes that characterize transversally conflicts in the region, mainly those that if materialize in shares of abduction, robbery or simple banditry in the sea, that they present a proper tipologia, normally associates to a diffuse amalgam of ‘ ‘ rootcauses’ ‘ , of carcter internal and external of indiferenciada matrix, seating directa or indirectamente (almost always) in the governmental gaps of the African State, even so if it evidences that each conflict is a conflict and that the conflitualidade in land has, almost always, repercussions in the growth of the instability in the sea (and vice versa). To these conjunctural events special relief to the afflicted processes of descolonizao is conferred, therefore in the great majority of the African countries, they had lead to the temporary ineptitude of the entity ‘ ‘ Estado’ ‘ , having led reciprocal to the regional spalling of the African continent and to the proliferation of crime of more diverse order, as well as the increasing o to desregular of the control of the borders, the ports, the oceanic coasts and the maritime commercial routes. .

| December 15th, 2021 | Posted in News |

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