The Partner

A wonderful life journey begins. You make plans together and tackle projects. Wishes are and want to be carried out, one want to assist each other in career and child-rearing. Eventually it dawns then perhaps: the partner fulfills not all expectations we had. He loses its shine.

Weaknesses and problematic properties appear. For example his looseness suddenly emerges as unreliability, its ability to make spontaneous contact arises as superficial its cosiness as laziness swagger out,. Disillusionment is coming. A counterpart with shortcomings and weaknesses is visible. They experienced themselves so far perhaps as open, tolerant, honest, faithful, humorous, responsible, motivated, domesticated, docile and tolerant.

And now they must determine in the lived partnership relationship that they have have quite different properties. Of course, such experiences also by feelings of shame are accompanied. Both must come to terms with the own strengths and weaknesses, as well as that of the partner. Both must learn to accept themselves and others, such as they are. Decide for each other means: to be there for each other and for each other to stand up. This important decision for each other opens up new possibilities for living and at the same time narrows. With the decision for each other they robbed other potential choices. Death do us part”, it is also that a Yes to the inevitability of yourself – letting up and with each other wrestling. Those who opt for joint children, enters a big responsibility, Yes, committed for many years, in some ways even on a whole life. In a world that seems full of promise, prospects and options, this is not an easy task. Who chooses but not really hindered himself, to realize the opportunities, to deepen and to make, really who wish to come to the world with the chosen partner. The love for the partner needs regular attention, they will thrive.

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| January 10th, 2022 | Posted in News |

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