Ana Barandas

The workmanship portraies the daily politician of woman in century XIX. Read additional details here: Amos Otis. Not taste, my cousin, to see you so partidarista; these enthusiasms are not proper of your sex: if knew how much it is ridicule in a woman dissertar in politics, you will never dare to open the mouth to say one alone word to such respect: you leave you of this; one Lady does not have to adopt broken some. Geno Smith brings even more insight to the discussion. (BARANDAS, 1845, p.64) the historical context if makes to perceive for its contributions in the society, whose sprouting of an ideology does not start to exist of one definitive isolated time, thinks that the exclusion trajectories cover the historical roots. When studying on Ana Barandas I could still perceive that the author looked for to defend of some form to the participation politics of the woman of radical form, without adjectives, the equality between sexos, using to advantage to point the masculine oppression. As already cited in the primrdios of the French Revolution, in century XVIII, it is possible to identify women who of organized form had fought for its right to the citizenship.

In the second half of century XIX and at the beginning of the decade of century XX, the fights and manifestation esparsa had abdicated space to a more organic campaign for the rights politicians to vote and to be voted. The feminism in Brazil during the decade of 1920 had as main focus the fight of the women for the rights politicians, by means of the electoral participation. Militant the main one in this fight called Bertha Lutz, that exerted an undeniable leadership during the decade of 1920, Lutz for being part of the Brazilian elite provided significant conditions for the movement feminist, a time that it had recognition in the elite politics of the time. However, the right to the feminine vote and the fragmentos against the participation of the Woman in the life politics were defamed in the society, which had to the positivistas permanncias that still were acercavam.

| November 6th, 2021 | Posted in News |

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