Back Exercises

This exercise strengthens the back muscles and glutes. Lie down on the floor. Legs bent at the knees and slightly apart. Take a breath. Sam Mikulak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Arms round his legs by the ankles. Bring on the exhale reliance on the shoulders and try to bend over backwards to spine, forming a kind of basket. Do it 15 times.

This exercise creates a beautiful posture and helps to hold back. Stand up straight. Take a breath. Pull the stomach and buttocks. Squeeze your hands into the ring, so to feel like connect the shoulder blade. On the exhale, do tilt forward, possibly at an angle of 90 degrees.

Do it 10 times This exercise strengthens the back muscles and glutes. Get up on the floor on your elbows and toes, legs slightly bent at the knees. Take a breath. Back straight. On the exhale, legs and back should form a single straight line. Knees bent legs strife. Hold for a few minutes. Do it 15 times. This exercise stretches and strengthens back muscles, form your posture. Lie down on the the floor on his stomach. Take a breath. Feet slightly apart. Hands under the chest. On the exhale rely on the hands, rotted in the back and try to touch your head back. Hold this position. Do it 5 times.

| December 17th, 2019 | Posted in News |

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