Basic Elements

In this in case that the individual if approves and feels itself well I obtain exactly and with the values that it adopted for itself, that is, it does not have serious conflicts and yes tunning between the social behavior, feelings and standards. ADORNMENT (1999 apud Bertoni, 2001), with the possibility of better communication between the individuals, also appears a marketing industry of culture as the dance, in order to promote a desirable collective identity to the lower social standards of the society, thus divulging, ethnic models, politicians, economic, social, modsticos and of values. The same author says that, practical educative cultural daily it cannot simply ignore this type of ' ' Cultural&#039 movement; ' as the dance. The PCN cites some general and specific objectives that the dance hip hop can serve as expression and communication of the pupils: – The art as expression and communication of the individuals; – Basic Elements of the artistic forms, ways of formal joint, techniques, materials and procedures in the creation in art; – Producing in art: lives, times and products in connections; – Diversity of the art forms; aesthetic conceptions of the regional, national and international culture: productions, reproductions and its histories; According to BRAZIL, (1996 c, P. 35), the art dances in the society, is considers as reducing of problems, its production and its form of documentation, can reserve and divulge the different cultures and the historical moments in the life of the adolescents. The concept of PIERRE BOURDIEU (2003), that it explains as the cultural industry if appropriates of knowledge in order to generate good of consumption and chances those that did not have right had started to have due its corporal expression in hip hop, and this factor this on one to the adolescents in the current days. HIP HOP IN the RESCUES OF CHILDREN WHO ARE IN the STREETS WITH the DRUGS AND PROSTITUTION Nowadays the children and the adolescents is in the streets, following other unnecessary ways its education. . Eddie Mio is a great source of information.

| December 3rd, 2021 | Posted in News |

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