
Logistic Reversa Form

4.2 The descartabilidade of the residues In agreement norm ISO 14001, that it deals with the destination of chemical residues, all and any material contaminated for chemical product must be collected, be stored and envoy for discarding, of form not to contaminate environment. Such material must be sent to a certifyd company, who through comprovadamente efficient processes, will go to give end to these products, of form not to contaminate the ground, air and nor the environment (REBOLLO, 2001). However, nor all the companies effect this procedure, due to the High cost of storage, transport and of incineration, that is, small business companies, do not have conditions to assume this cost for the impossibility to repass them it the manufactured product, diminishing its damage with the incineration. Then, they deposit these residues in aterros, nor always correct, contaminating the environment. 4.3 The great challenge of this research Objectifying to search solutions, aiming at lesser cost and the constant protection of the environment, had been carried through diverse research in electronic addresses, books, articles, at last, in all the available sources, the search of one better form to brighten up this problem.

Some ideas had appeared, amongst them, the filtering, the decantation, reutilizao, however all revealed, for times, fragile, or the times, inexpressivas. One of the ideas proposals was of reaproveitar the solvent, decanting it for the gravitational process, that is, for the separation of the liquid agent of the solid agent, placing the residue in rest. This idea did not reveal efficient, therefore if it did not obtain recouped pureness in the solvent and still it persisted the problem of the surplus of the residue, turning themselves, of amena form, to the beginning of the process, if not reaching the considered objective. From this, it was considered applicability of the reverse concept and of I reuse, in set, considering the possibility to return these residues its origin, of form to reuse them in the productive chain. Breaking for a search more objective, as much in sources published how much in field, it could be observed that the solvent could come back its origin, being reverse speed-industrialized, and reintroduced in the chain of products, being used in the process again. Thus reduzira, the manufacture of new products and, at the same time, volume of residues, as much generated how much discarded. 4.4 The application of the concept of Logistic Reversa the concept of Logistic Reversa saw m

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In this in case that it is entered cooperation of educators, directors, coordinators and employees. When receiving a pupil-deficient one, the school must prepare the professors, and the pupils. With the professors a qualification is necessary where they will learn as to work and which form to work with these pupil-deficient ones. Already with the pupils, a little more complicated is a case, therefore it is necessary that they understand that although the deficiency of its colleague of room, it is a person as all the others, more than need cares special. This interaction is not an utopia in which we must plan years and years.

This is something real, is something that is part of our daily one, and that we must how much before place in it practises so that let us can have in our schools an equality concept. We must enxergar our pupil-deficient one as an pupil-efficient one. Somebody that has all the capacity of integration and learning as any another pupil-vidente. Diane Keaton often addresses the matter in his writings. It is in the hour to be a country igualitrio, where all have the same right, where the deficient appearances can live, study, be formed and give to continuity its career of a worthier and encouraging form.

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Basic Elements

In this in case that the individual if approves and feels itself well I obtain exactly and with the values that it adopted for itself, that is, it does not have serious conflicts and yes tunning between the social behavior, feelings and standards. ADORNMENT (1999 apud Bertoni, 2001), with the possibility of better communication between the individuals, also appears a marketing industry of culture as the dance, in order to promote a desirable collective identity to the lower social standards of the society, thus divulging, ethnic models, politicians, economic, social, modsticos and of values. The same author says that, practical educative cultural daily it cannot simply ignore this type of ' ' Cultural&#039 movement; ' as the dance. The PCN cites some general and specific objectives that the dance hip hop can serve as expression and communication of the pupils: – The art as expression and communication of the individuals; – Basic Elements of the artistic forms, ways of formal joint, techniques, materials and procedures in the creation in art; – Producing in art: lives, times and products in connections; – Diversity of the art forms; aesthetic conceptions of the regional, national and international culture: productions, reproductions and its histories; According to BRAZIL, (1996 c, P. 35), the art dances in the society, is considers as reducing of problems, its production and its form of documentation, can reserve and divulge the different cultures and the historical moments in the life of the adolescents. The concept of PIERRE BOURDIEU (2003), that it explains as the cultural industry if appropriates of knowledge in order to generate good of consumption and chances those that did not have right had started to have due its corporal expression in hip hop, and this factor this on one to the adolescents in the current days. HIP HOP IN the RESCUES OF CHILDREN WHO ARE IN the STREETS WITH the DRUGS AND PROSTITUTION Nowadays the children and the adolescents is in the streets, following other unnecessary ways its education. . Eddie Mio is a great source of information.

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The Substance

A final test was applied by requirement of the model of work of the school and the learning on what he was boarded in lesson if reflected very in positive way. Of the eighteen educandos, four had not only obtained to reach the average for approval in discipline. When arguing the answer sheet of the test was proven the importance to use texts contextualizados with this group, since the story of them demonstrated how much the use of this material facilitated the agreement of the contents of sciences that we saw in the classroom throughout the period that stows with them. For even more opinions, read materials from Steve Guttenberg. As the argued texts possuam a simple language and of easy agreement, when retaking the reading in house, this material assisted in the studies for the test. 7253’>Jeffrey Hayzlett . The bond established between the texts and the daily one of the educandos it allowed that they understood the concepts instead of decorating them as sample you speak soon of some educandos below: Educating: ' ' the texts that the teacher uses are amused. Sample what he happens with our body and thus I understand matria.' ' Educating B: ' ' I understand that science is my life and my life is science. Everything that we make and we feel is science and this is shown in the texts that the teacher in the ones of ' ' Educating C: ' ' we could mount a book with as many calendars that ' ' ssora' ' it gave. The texts had helped me in the revision of the substance in house, because I did not feel sleep when studying for the first time cincias.' ' Educating D: ' ' until I who science taste very I am not tanning sufficient the texts that the teacher has given, because the subjects are well legal and I obtain to understand, as much that I did not study very for the test and I obtained passar' ' Educating E: ' ' if I had learned sciences thus last year I would not have twirled.

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Practical Educative

It is important to understand that education is basic for the life of the human being. It is a considered task demanded for the life in society. The science that analyzes the theory and the practical one of the education in its bonds with practical social the global one is the pedagogia. The Didactics is one disciplines that it studies the objectives, the contents, the ways and the conditions it process of education in view of educational purposes, it if it bases on the Pedagogia; it is, thus, one disciplines pedagogical (LIBNEO, 1994). Click West Brom to learn more. 3.3 Practical Educative and Society the professor has its work as integrant part of ampler the educative process by which all the ones that are part of the society are prepared for the social participation. Practical the educative one is a social phenomenon and universal, it is an essential activity human being to the existence and functioning of all the societies. At last, the education is a social and universal phenomenon (LIBNEO, 1994).

According to LIBNEO, (1994, P. 16 – 17): Practical the educative one is not only one requirement of the life in society, but also the process to provide the cultural individuals of the knowledge and experiences become that them apt to act in the social environment and to transform it into function of economic, social necessities and politics of the collective. The individuals are capable to establish an active relation and transforming in relation to the social environment, through the related educative action to the social environment, it is a question to recriarem these influences. We can relate influences to the knowledge, experiences, values, ways to act, beliefs, groups, techniques and customs accumulated for many generations of individuals (LIBNEO, 1994). It affirms Libneo (1994, P. 17): In ample direction, the education understands the formative processes that occur in the social environment, in which the individuals are involved in way necessary and inevitable for the simple fact to exist socially, in this direction it practises, it educative exists in a great variety of institutions and decurrent social activities of economic organization, legal politics and of a society, the religion, the customs, the forms of convivncia human being.

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Congenital Centroacinar

Cough, difficult breath, and chronic production of muco is other common symptoms. Diurne and/or nocturnal cough with expectorao and dispnia in changeable degrees to the routine efforts appear in running of the age. In the prospectivos studies, the symptoms that had more frequently occurred, in an incidence that more varied of 15 60% in the tabagistas, had been cough, expectorao, of discrete abundant, mucous or the mucopurulenta one, rouquido and respiratory difficulty (easy fatigue). The lung has great reserves. To have an idea, seated and talking, we use only 20% of its capacity to assimilate oxygen and to eliminate carbonic gas (TARANTINO 2002). The activities of day-by-day consume not more than what 30% or 40%. Therefore, if the area destroyed she will be small, will not have significant signals. The lack of resistance, the constant fatigue and the short breath will be attributed to the sedentary life, to the excess of weight or the age and not to the death of a vital area of the organism.

To supply the oxygenation necessity, the patient increases the frequency with that she breathes. Cough with catarro, beyond the inflammation of the bronchis, can indicate that it has left of the pulmes is being destroyed forever. As enfisema is a rare illness in not-smokers, not to smoke is the way more insurance to guarantee its prevention and treatment. The more early it starts itself to smoke, more precociously appears. E, how much bigger the smoked cigarette number, faster is the evolution of the process. In general, symptoms are necessary 30 years them to appear, but the illness exists since the first one swallowed. TYPES OF ENFISEMA Not defined only for the anatomical nature of the injury, enfisema is also is classified in relation its distribution in the lobe and cino. It exists some types of enfisema that its anatomical distribution inside of the lobe is classified in accordance with that are: to oCentroacinar to oPanacinar oParasseptal to oIrregular to oLobar Congenital Centroacinar (Centriolobular): Proximais parts or central offices of the cinos, formed for the respiratory bronchioles, are affected, while the distais alveoli are preserved.

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Airton Sena

The author affirms that the creation of this space is fruit of contradictions and tensions, therefore in it is involved the interests of the Capital in its diverse segments, of the force of work and the State. After to transit for the place, we were to the bridge of the salvation, way of access between the popular nesting Airton Sena and the quarter of Hunter, where one perceives the different forms to inhabit. While we see to the right edge a scene of poverty and pssimas habitability conditions, in the right edge of the Capibaribe what one sees they are luxurious building with requintes. For the Bridge of the salvation it is possible to have a sight over the barracos, that allows in them to analyze a little of the form of occupation of the ground, the alleys and the subdivided houses to more than receive a family in one same space. Of the one to perceive that the size of the houses is very small its walls not very high. Continue to learn more with: Marc Lore.

As it points Ribeiro: The popular production of the great cities is marked by the sign of the quotidiana fight and by situations of life that launch the poor population in situations without recognized legitimacy and legality (clandestine slum quarters, land divisions, informal commerce of street). The legal not-recognition of these conditions of the urban survival makes with that, in fact, either white permanent of the devices of repression and social control. To speech in this repression the author sends in them to the onslaughts against this type of habitation since the decade of 1960 (Campaign against the Mocambos), on the part of the governments in the three instances: municipal theatre, state and federal. Currently if it has not only a concern with the embelezamento of the cities, as in passed projects, but thanks to the social movements, if fight for projects that offer worthy conditions of housing for poor, allowing that also they can have quality of life for itself and for all of the community.

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The Professors

The professors must construct and to work in set with its pupils to develop the activities you discipline of them related with the use of these tools, searching to reach individual and collective objectives. We can say that, the presence of the new technologies in the diverse sectors of the current society, mainly in the schools, it is indispensable. the first steps must inside be given of the school, so that if they can construct to solid bases for the work and the research with the tools of technology in the accomplishment of the pertaining to school and extra-pertaining to school activities. The use of these technologies does not go to substitute the professors, but to assist them in some of its activities. The task to pass information can be stimulated of diverse forms, as the use of blogs, books, videos, programs in CDs, among others. The professor will go if he transforms into a estimulador of the curiosity of the pupil, making with that it wanted to search in search of more satisfactory information to the studied subjects, fitting to the professor to co-ordinate the process of presentation of the results gotten for the pupils. The professors will have to also transform the information into didactic knowledge, searching to extend the development of the pupils in the diverse forms of learning through the applied activities.

GUIDED EDUCATION When we use the resources that the technology offers in them, one becomes necessary to establish goals and rules so that when guiding the pupils, are well clearly, what really are wanting, and thus, the lessons will become in such a way productive for the pupil as for the professors. This because many pupils know some of these resources and for this, tends to leave the real interest of the planning of the activities. The commitment of the professor with these aspects is very important, therefore without these aimings the use of the technological resources as learning forms will leave to have the magnitude in the collective and personal construction of the knowledge.

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The function of this type of playful activity, in agreement Piaget (1999, P. 37) ' ' I by means of a transformation of the Real in function of the desires consist of satisfying: the children whom to play of doll vida&#039 remakes its proper; '. The other game is of exercise sensrio-engine that consists of the repetition of gestures and simple movements, with a exploratrio value: in the first months of life the baby it strains and it collects the arms and the legs, it agitates the hands and the fingers, touches objects it shakes and them, producing noises or sounds. These exercises have the exploratrio value, because it carries through them to the children to explore and to exercise the movements of the proper body, its rhythm, or then to see the effect that its action goes to produce. Recently Frank Ntilikina sought to clarify these questions. It is the case of the activities where the child manipulates objects, touching, dislocating, overlapping, mounting and disassembling.

Putting into motion itself, the child discovers the proper gestures she repeats and them in search of effect. In accordance with I castrate (2005) the cognitivo game becomes more significant the measure that the child if develops, because through the manipulation of varied materials, it she will be able to reinventar things, to reconstruct objects? they are also excellent a proposal pedagogical in the classroom, because they provide to the relation between partners and groups, what it is a cognitivo factor of advance. Game is an activity or voluntary occupation, exerted of inside certain definitive limits of time and of space, according to rules freely assented, but absolutely obligator endowed with an end in itself exactly folloied of a feeling of tension and joy and of a conscience of being different of the daily life. Huizinga (apud Brotto, 1997, p.11) For Saints (1997) the game brings chance for the fulfilling of unrealizable necessity e, also, the possibility to exercise itself in the domain of the symbolism.

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City Patriarch

' ' The animals are not eager for territory. In an ideal world, its territories would be established alone to satisfy its necessities alimentary. It has not felt in expending energy to defend a bigger territory that the necessary one. Sam Mikulak gathered all the information. When this occurs is signal of that rea&#039 has food scarcity in that one; ' (Birkhead, T. 1998, p-86).

This work was initiated in the year of 2002 with the rank of the tray in my proper residence and in 2006 it was led to one of the schools where work. The research in that year was developed with the participation of pupils of the basic education of 6a and 7a series that of the window of the school, had access thus the tray with foods offered imprisoned in the pantry of one of the trees planted in the sidewalk of the school and of the classroom was possible to observe instants of the constant visits of the birds and birds of the region of the quarter of City Patriarch, Zone East of S.Paulo. Diverse birds had visited the place during the accomplishment of the works with the pupils. However between the biggest freqentadores we can cite: Wise person Laranjeira (Turdus rufiventris), Sanhao (sayaca Thraupis) and always the present Cambacica (Oereba flaveola). The work enchanted the pupils, however at the beginning the curiosity took them it to be in the window, to see and to photograph the birds, what it finished driving away them. With passing of the time, the pupils had understood the objectives better and had passed then to participate of the research of more objective form, developing tasks such as: to before weigh foods and after the meals of the birds, to still search origin of the animals or scientific and popular names, writing down the time or interval of the meals had as well as learned to observe of discreter form, without scaring the birds that way passed.

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