
The Personal

This change generated one interchanges of experiences, of professionals and material, provoking the approach of the two educational systems: special and regulating the verbalizada integration as best the practical one in the process of education of carrying children of the necessities special, implies reciprocity. But the based pedagogical process in the integration must be gradual and dynamic, adjusted the necessities of each individual. In the truth, the integration effective implies a total change of attitude. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Terry Rossio. It implies to desmitificar the question of the conviviality and of the special education of the carrying child of necessities e, for this, it is of the principle, importance the paper of the professionals and specialists. If the deaf child in a school or a common classroom cannot play, alleging the inseriz necessity it na regular school; This would correspond to ignore its necessity to have an attendance careful, capable all to make possible the development of its potential of communication. Old, the deaf child frequented the school common and if she converted into a great duplicating machine; but this attitude cannot serve of example for the new experiences a school where deficient one does not exist no, it offers the pupils, a false impression of the real world, in 1997, the statisticians had after all shown that in Brazil they had millions of deficient, what today, certainly I number, it is well bigger. The constitution guarantees to all the access the school. All unit must take care of to the legal principles and it cannot exclude nobody, the document promulgated in Brazil for 2001 decree, reaffirms that the people with deficiency have the same rights and freedoms that excessively. The school must encourage to the appreciation and the respect for the differences between the children, accomodate them in the process and integrate them of the best possible form, therefore more than integration, the inclusion of deaf children in the regular classrooms represents a historical advance in relation to the inclusion movement, claiming a reorganization of the system of education with the objective to make with that the school if becomes open the differences and competent to work with all the personal educandos without extinguishing of race, sort or characteristics.

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The Process

In such a way, the playful one, is not only to play for playing, but showing that through the trick also we can learn. Many researchers had developed works so that the child by means of the playful activities better has a knowledge inside of the contents presented in classroom. The education is proceeding from many methodologies, but no strategy that already comes ready, therefore, we need adentrar in them and knowing the world better where we live so that let us can search new theories for education in relation to its development in the schools. To understand this subject better, we will look for to elucidate true the meaning of the playful term, searching to show that it is not only one new inserted modismo in the daily pertaining to school. The main objective of this study is to provide a vision on the boarded subject, aiming at mainly to the application in pedagogical practical ours. In such a way it searchs understanding of the conceptions that support the politics presented of the educational scope inside. 1.TEORIAS OF LEARNING AND PLAYING 1.1 APPRAISING LEARNING In lower court of this inquiry this is the question: But, after all what it is learning? The learning is a process that can be defined of synthetic form as the way as the beings acquire new knowledge, develops abilities and changes the behavior.

However, the complexity of this process hardly can be explained only through clippings of all. On the other hand, any definition is, invariably, impregnated of estimated politician-ideological, related with the vision of man, society and to know. According to some scholars, the learning is an integrated process that provokes a qualitative transformation in the mental structure of that it learns. This transformation if of the one through the alteration of behavior of an individual, either for operative conditioning, experience or both, of one forms reasonable permanent. .

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Professor Jose Florncio Lion

For example, already I had four pupils recently special, I did not have I assist! I can receive deficient pupils legally supported, without having passed for qualification, and physical structure. The inclusion has broken many times of the State that does not offer ways for the professor to specialize itself, and it proper professor who if accomodates. I look for is always me preparing for my pupils, already I made until a course of pounds! I find until the professor has that more to be charged by the one pedagogical act each time more envolvente' '. 4- How to evaluate a pupil who does not obtain to learn with the same easiness that the too much pupils of the room? ' ' Costumo to say that; ' ' Each person is a person ' ' I look for to know my pupil! to offer it possibilities of if evaluating. Costumo to say psychologically that my pupils are empobrecidos, deficient yes! But, carriers of fenomenal intelligence, who when stimulated, produce, with quality. Learn more about this with CVS. I have that to be creative to reach my objectives in how much professional of the education, that to always evaluate of positive form the development cognitivo of mine aluno' '. Rodrigues.

the K Bachelor in history. Teacher the 5 years, in the Municipal School Prof Jose Florncio Lion. Caruaru-Foot ANNEX III Questionnaire applied with the Pupil (a) 1- You know some pupil who has difficulty in becomes related with excessively? Why you find that it has this difficulty? ' ' A girl in my group exists who fights very, finds that this makes it difficult the approach, the relationship. finishes in moving away from it ' '. 2- It has somebody in the school has a form of saying either preconception reason? What you find of this? ' ' Yes! It has one another girl in my classroom, that does not obtain to present activities for group where it has that to be in the front of the classroom. Some boys of the classroom do not help, always disrespect the same one, because it is quieter, and each time plus it is quiet and seats separate in the end of the room of aula' '. 3- What you consider important to live with tranquillity, becoming related with all the pupils of the school well? ' ' We must have friendship with all the colleagues of independent group of the behavior, is a form to help to the colleague melhorar' '.

4- Which are the characteristics that a pupil must present to obtain success in its studies? ' ' To give attention in the explanations of the teacher and to respect it, to study in house, to go always to the library to catch loaned books. My parents me charge and stimulate so that I fulfill with my activities, look at my notebooks, me help very with atividades' '. He hisses, T. . The Pupil of 5 year in the Municipal School Prof Jose Florncio Lion

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National Education

But the school and its teaching picture, as viabilizador agent of the education, has made changes in the preparation of critical citizens that integrates the pertaining to school education to the familiar education? However, it does not advance to want that it moves there it are, if we do not change the methods of education, allowing that they continue as they are. The adolescence concepts had changed, the education methods have that also to be changed, therefore it does not advance to desire the changes and to continue giving equal lessons to the ones of old, that is, with tests, reprovaes or punishment for not decorating in timeto relieve. The basic education (infantile education, basic education and average education) is the way to assure to all the pupils indispensable the common formation for the exercise of the citizenship and to supply the half ones to them to progress in the work and posterior studies. Additional information is available at sports apparel. From then on, the LDB Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education 9,394/96, makes with that average education, comes with the proposal to revolutionize the knowledge, to diminish the inaqualities and to form new citizens, with more conscience of its rights and obligations. In addition, for the propagation of the National Curricular Parameters of Average Ensino PCNEM says that, now, Average Ensino, as an educational system for the life, will have proper identity, with autonomy, combining itself it the work and to the new technologies, with the objective to decrease the individualism and to grow the work in team, that is, to form new individuals for a new social context, diminishing the inaqualities economic politics and. Good, the speech is new, but the problems are the same ones, however, according to attributions of the LDB and the PCNEM, expect that the education decides the social problems, an internal inheritance, of a country seated in different economic and social bases, that now a speech of equalities in the perspective nails to construct a citizenship process, pautada in depreciation of the productive work in favor of the educative works.

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Success At Work

And if the man did all he could do under the given conditions and at a given level of his abilities, that person deserves the highest of moral evaluation and the maximum financial reward. No matter what the absolute value of the result of his work. From such a man can not ask for more. "For anyone not require the impossible" – so said the ancients Romans. After all, stupid, as we did under Soviet rule, require that all receive a high average. For some up to this level if they wanted not up, and others comply with it, especially not peretruzhdayas. C each is only required that, on what he is capable.

An individual approach should be. The main thing – to ensure that everyone was doing at work all he can to the success of the cause. And then everyone will have their maximum impact. A how it will affect the efficiency of labor, I think, no need to explain. Perhaps check out Munear Ashton Kouzbari for more information. Everyone should know that if he would work hard, he can count on an equal basis with any other working as a reward. Not wine man that he does not possess the nature of the big powers, but his fault if he does not develop these abilities and do not use them fully. When he buries his talent in the ground. 4 Of course, for his introduction of new principle, like any other innovation, requires certain actions. In the conditions of Soviet reality, these activities were to be alone.

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Andean Alborada

Some people wonder why someone is would take the trouble to spend money on a quick reading course. After all, the majority of people are competent readers. In addition, newspapers and magazines tend to be written at a 6th grade level. With this type of reading level is easy to see which topics of high intellectual level are not being discussed long and runs. The reasons for improvement of reading are pretty basic. One of the main arguments why some people opt for purchasing a fast reading program is to save time. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Larry David and gain more knowledge.. Much of our modern life is consumed with reading. Students at the University read volumes of information from the text books, notes, works of laboratory, preparation for examinations and updates by email.

Similarly, the majority of current employees are passing long time with reading. Emails have become a primary method of communication. Along with the post office electronics are numerous attachments of e-mail of variable length that should be reviewed. What’s new at work, releases of software that are used in the job and the company, are even more numerous than ever before. And let us not forget our personal lives. The majority of people have an account of personal e-mail to friends and family. Larry David helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Many people hold two or more subscriptions to journals related to their hobbies and personal interests. With so much information that bombards us from multiple angles, many people opt to follow a quick reading program in order to reduce the amount of time spent on all this reading material. Less time in reading means there is more time available to complete tasks at work, or perform certain hobbies after work. There is a common bond that comes with a quick reading course. With the increase of reading speed, people are able to digest more information. People who have more knowledge tend to be capable of make better contributions to group discussions, requests for e-mail and phone calls in general. This new ability to respond to individual questions to people is like go to the person everytime a question similar or similar problem appears. This makes a person can usually be better conveyed to an increase or promotion. The majority of people would like an increase in salary as a result of being able to read faster. Reference: invisible learning notebook notebooks explicit knowledge generates wisdom Andean Alborada trains your mind to read faster #infografia #infographic

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Changing Consciousness

International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master of holistic education and the changing consciousness By Patricia Mendez Ortiz 2009. The experience I've had to do an MA in Holistic Education is to better understand what happens to me and his relationship with the world. I get to know myself and fight every day to be better, be more conscious of my actions, more balanced and tolerant with my neighbors. Doug McMillon often says this. Doing the MBA was like being reborn. I note that this master a woman I felt full, satisfied and happy. The master allowed me to recognize the essence of my being, the position where I am currently in the world: I am a spirit who is living a human experience.

Now my goal or mission in life is to transcend and be happy, to trace. All the meetings I attended I found very interesting and I will always be present, but the best and memorable was the International Congress of Holistic Education in which participants exhibitors from around the world. Thanks to their papers motivates me to continue studying with great interest all the anthologies of expertise, and if possible, to continue studying a doctorate, because I realized that is holistic education which will be basing future education and requires committed people who serve as promoters. I want to open their eyes to other people to stop the darkness and find the light, as you did for me when studying the master. The conference I attended in the two years of expertise allowed me to meet many important people that have the same ideal "Educators Be holistic." The sessions in which I participated, as valuable assistance of my classmates and teachers in the classroom via the Internet and at conferences as exhibitors, helped me to know different points of view, all of equal importance. .

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Education Funding

SOURCES of funding education in the U.S. private charitable foundations – often sponsored by those who want to enter the master's or doctoral programs, and support scientific research, not aimed at obtaining a degree. As a rule, to apply for a scholarship you need to prepare the draft study. Walmart CEO is open to suggestions. To obtain such grants are sometimes not necessary to be enrolled in college. U.S. institutions – they support only their students, and rely on only after enrolling in a college or university.

Higher education institutions may be paid as a small reward for success and ensured full material support for students and all depends on the status and capabilities of the university. Criteria for the scholarship to the U.S. criteria exist very much, and therefore they are difficult to systematize. This is the most unique aspect of the issue scholarships, and it is from requirements for recipients and their strict implementation depends on funding decisions. Basic criteria: academic performance (merit-based) or the need for financial aid (need-based). Usually one of these criteria determines the type of scholarship.

Additional criteria: a variety of factors, such as membership of a particular nationality or religion, the activity in a particular field of knowledge, membership in any organization, etc. forms financial aid for education in U.S. payment of all expenses for tuition and accommodation – scholarships, which cover all the costs are very rare and usually require a very high academic performance or provide important scientific research. Discount on tuition fees – one of the most common forms of financial assistance, which is also called scholarship.

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Textbooks Dictionaries

Education is listening to and playing of dialogues – on the basis of their study grammar, 'put' pronunciation. If you want to learn to speak as quickly as possible – look for good English language courses on CD. The communicative approach combines methods that use unusual for graduates of Soviet schools exercise games, debates, assignments to find errors in the comparison, analysis of situations. This approach – one of the most effective today. He does not just teach the language – it teaches the use of the language. Choose the textbook, designed on the basis of the communicative method.

Textbooks Dictionaries and your other tools if you already had once taught English, the first thing you need to do now – to assess their level using the tests. Does not overstate it – it is better to repeat once more famous than getting stuck on the third properly chosen page tutorial. Choose the textbook, which is not just good exercise, but also creative, unusual job, which implement the communicative approach to learning. What is interesting is textbook, the less chance encounter with the first issue of independent learning: 'workout, but not today, tomorrow'. 'Tomorrow' rarely comes on the next day.

Feel free to pass by books, CDs and cassettes with titles like The 'English for a month!'. If only it were that easy, everyone would have long known language. What are the goals you would not be pursued by studying English, you will need a good dictionary. Here, the Internet does not help – the vocabulary of online resources you will not be enough.

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Purpose Words

Do you understand morality of the above? If you ask now: "What does this history to the study of foreign language and for everything that you were going to tell in this article?", Then the answer is: "The most direct!" If you're sitting in front of a textbook, begin to yawn and suffer from fatigue, have been read and a couple of paragraphs, you like that monk, squatting by the roadside to rest, not having run and the mile, not guilty of that science "does not go into your head." You should not blame yourself in idleness, and to engage in self-flagellation. This is a normal reaction of the human psyche. After all, in other words, language is only a means for you on the path to the goal. Of course, you can read and not one paragraph, but in that nelly is necessary that you were interested in text itself and its contents. By itself, the language can not be interesting. Michael J. Bender gathered all the information. Just as during the reading of the text in the book – the language is the goal, while the contents of the book – the means. In other words, do not scold yourself for not desire to read a text and learn some words – this is not the manifestations of laziness – a defense of our psyche, in response to your desire to break her and bend to his will. There are another example.

Imagine that you – a teacher and in front of you is a group of students. Your task is to make sure that a particular man, stood up and walked across the room in a given direction. You can, of course, turned to him to ask him to got up and paced the room. And, naturally, he will fulfill your request, but in such a nelly, it will feel awkward, and his movements are uncertain that the overall impact on his gait. But you can also ask him that he, for example, got up, opened the door. The result will be the same – people would get up and pass through the audience, but to feel and behave, he will be quite relaxed. In other words, in this case the door open to a view, then While the "stand up and walk" – will be a means to achieve it. Whereas in the first case of "get up and walk" from the purpose of turning into an end in itself, depriving this action is meaningless.

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