National Education

But the school and its teaching picture, as viabilizador agent of the education, has made changes in the preparation of critical citizens that integrates the pertaining to school education to the familiar education? However, it does not advance to want that it moves there it are, if we do not change the methods of education, allowing that they continue as they are. The adolescence concepts had changed, the education methods have that also to be changed, therefore it does not advance to desire the changes and to continue giving equal lessons to the ones of old, that is, with tests, reprovaes or punishment for not decorating in timeto relieve. The basic education (infantile education, basic education and average education) is the way to assure to all the pupils indispensable the common formation for the exercise of the citizenship and to supply the half ones to them to progress in the work and posterior studies. Additional information is available at sports apparel. From then on, the LDB Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education 9,394/96, makes with that average education, comes with the proposal to revolutionize the knowledge, to diminish the inaqualities and to form new citizens, with more conscience of its rights and obligations. In addition, for the propagation of the National Curricular Parameters of Average Ensino PCNEM says that, now, Average Ensino, as an educational system for the life, will have proper identity, with autonomy, combining itself it the work and to the new technologies, with the objective to decrease the individualism and to grow the work in team, that is, to form new individuals for a new social context, diminishing the inaqualities economic politics and. Good, the speech is new, but the problems are the same ones, however, according to attributions of the LDB and the PCNEM, expect that the education decides the social problems, an internal inheritance, of a country seated in different economic and social bases, that now a speech of equalities in the perspective nails to construct a citizenship process, pautada in depreciation of the productive work in favor of the educative works.

| August 3rd, 2020 | Posted in News |

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