

Braga (2003, p,01) places the following one: It is important to pontuar that the literary text dialogues and poetiza social history, but reproduces never it faithful. Being thus, she is necessary to promote the education of Literature focusing it while aesthetic production, and not while historical pictures articulated by a well elaborated language: e, still to evidence that its function is to promote before the moral formation, the aesthetic experience. We observe, from this I break up, that seen literature as art provides, at a first moment, the aesthetic pleasure that is produced simply when the reader obtains to interact with the text. Of this interaction it is consolidated psychological function, based in the aspiration of the man in being losted in thought it a fictitious, imaginary world, which if evokes, many times, for a desire of the unconscious one. We point out that other forms exist to satisfy this necessity of to run away, running away from its lasts routine or in the anxiety to live deeply other experiences. However, we emphasize the importance of literature as it saw essential and spontaneous so that this necessity human being if materialize. On the imagination, War (1947, P. 2) displays that this if deals with ' ' college to represent, under a sensible form, objects ausentes.' ' This cited representation is the space that the reader dimensiona, attributing to it characteristic evoked as its subjectivity and sensitivity.

In these circumstances, we will detach the sensitivity concept, according to proper War (1947, p,18). as a source, but as a related topic. This will previously strengthen the done ranks when saying that ' ' sensitivity the same is that the power to feel. It understands the sensations, or perceptions of the corporal directions, and the internal directions of the soul, such as the joy, the sadness, the desire, the fear, the anger, esperana' '. In a literary prism, sensitivity allows the citizen to give to life and movement to the things, therefore, from this it only is that the literary universe could be felt e, pleasant, enjoyed.

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Pastor Dstico

This prefers the sea and to I sell at retail it to the forest, the forest, horto and the garden. The nature turns shelter (locus amoenus) for the man burgo oppressed by distinctions and hierarchies. All the urban cultures of the Ocidente, in the periods of training most advanced of modernization, finish reinventando the natural one and dissimulating in the art the spontaneous favour of the den that the infinite cares of the city had made to lose. Connect with other leaders such as sports apparel here. What of – the comment is the receiturio of a life contained in the campestre space, running away itself, in this way, of the prevalence of the order city dweller. It has of if perceiving during the liras in Marlia de Dirceu a recurrent resource of job of this campesina notion of life, as well as the mention of the shepherd figure who leads its flock. Learn more at this site: olympics.

It is noticed, in the reality, a dispersed appearance of the pastoral figure brother-in-law under diverse shades. In Lira IV of the first part of the book, it is observed use of such figure in a dstico return for which I lyric express its devotion stop with loved its: ' ' Marlia, listening a sad Pastor' '. The recurrence of this dstico in such a way affirms the suffering of lyric I in sight to have a worship object and not to be able to reach it at that moment, how much the belonging the category of Shepherd, man of the field and the basic nature. Thus, at the same time where if it commands new prxis are evidentes also the constant references to the world greco-Latin. The well-taken care of type for Gonzaga when citing is perceivable the classic culture, and this if it confirms with the strong presence of mitolgicos references to the Deuses. Apolo, Venuses, the cupidos ones, Vulcano are constant and always intricate elements the proper constitution of the poetical one of the author.

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Joseph Alex

Alexa looked at for Jenai with fire in the eyes. – THE LANGUAGE FOLDS TO SPEAK OF IT! – Hu hu. You were all nervosinha for having said of this fedelho? You really do not understand why of I to obey the Caim am only for a reason. Alexa calmed it wise person who Jenai as well as the other age powerful arcanjo. – it is only why it is the only one that the Samael master can awake, is when Samael to awake.

new gnese goes to start. The pressure was great on it. – I go to inform the Caim, phase two of the plan starts now. Far from there, in a school for girls a young beautiful girl looked at with affection a photo. – My beloved brother.Alex where you this now? Arriving in Alex house and Joseph they turn a stop Mercedes me front the orphanage. – Ours somebody goes to have luck today.

Joseph played. They had entered and Madalena was running to the meeting of them. – Alex! , Dear Alex you go to be adopted. They know where this its sister! An eddy of images passed in the head of Alex. – The lady is certain? – Absolute. They until have a photo of it. Perhaps Joseph did not obtain to disfarar its distresses, Alex sera adopted never more sees itself. – Is certain that it is not a trick or a blow of the uncle of it? Senhorita Madalena. Madalena understood that Joseph tries itself to empedir that its better friend it goes in bora. – It seems that not Joseph, the true photo and they knows where it this. Alex was confused it was anxious to see if the photo was of she herself, of Sarah. – I want velos. I want to see the photo pra to be able to take my decision.

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PCN Work

Segundoas Orientaes Curricular National during Average Education, according to asorientaes the PCN, must work in the intention to construct the letramentoliterrio. The reading will be well more pleasant will have become without pressure eexigncias, but for a spontaneous action of the citizen. Valley to stand out that estaespontaneidade appears inside of a carried through work of the classroom. Comocontribuio for this study, we cite To sound (2004. Orientaes Curricular, 2000, P.

55) that it comes clarifying in them that ' ' the literary letramento is the condition deck not only to know to read and to write, but it cultivates and it exerts practical sociaisque use escrita.' ' Consideramosento, that the pupil by means of the aesthetic experience, receives a contribuiosatisfatria for its social experience, therefore the reading is a form autnomade acquisition of knowledge. In accordance with the Orientaes CurricularesNacionais for average education (2000, p.68) that ' ' our enjoyment of a work of art is always only is not happened again. We will be others and in one another moment, with certainty our reading also serdiferente: everything flui.' ' Valesalientar, then, that the literature or the largeness of the literary text folloies odesenvolvimento of the citizen in its process of growth. The text remains, but the reader to it reads lo again will have a different conception, because suasexperincias had been many during data interval. Its inference will be thus, but deep. As well as being educator it does not exist mtodoideal, to teach to literature of that techniques do not exist that can serclassificadas as perfect. However, some reflections on what ensinare as to teach definitive contents, sufficiently contribute for the process deensino- learning, therefore they require a different position ahead of metodologiasa to be used. Being about the literature education, the respect is perceivable inside of the quarrels, queexiste an understanding of disciplines in an artistic boarding.

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The Professors

Two professors, the minority, try to make of its lessons, not only a momentnea learning, but a learning that opens possibilities for the understanding of other texts, that are not only literary, as well as for the understanding of the others you discipline. ' ' Before if becoming literature disciplines pertaining to school captivates without the elaborations or pedagogical criteria that search one definitive end. It substitutes the onipotncia of pragmatic knowing for the vision of the enigmatic one and considers a trespass of the social conventions and the limits morais.' ' (Magalhes, P. 26). The author, here, in the sample that many times the pupils like Literature, but for logic rejects a pragmatic it. The paper of the professor is to become emancipatria practical Literature one, more independent, ahead of disciplines as education to the grammar. The fourth question asks for that the professors give to its point of view on the importance of Literature for the formation descent.

Ahead of this question, it was clearly that the professors had not wanted to answer or they had not known to give its opinion in relation to its pupils. However, a professor gave its opinions on this importance of Literature for the formation of the pupils. To follow, one of most excellent answers tax-paying for this project: ' ' Literature is of basic importance for a formation descent, because the education of Literature sufficiently influences the context of classroom and this vision of Literature as it disciplines involves and co-relates other areas of the knowledge (history, philosophy, geography, grammar etc.) still needs more to be spread out in the pertaining to school space. Then, Literature supplies to the pupil an ample understanding in relation to the world, to the society where it is inserted, being able to perceive the problematic ones and to know that he can understand them and try he solves-las.' ' (informing) This citation was important because in the sample that our professors are not total mentally ill when to Ensino de Literatura.

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New Aurlio Dictionary

According to New Aurlio Dictionary of the Portuguese Language (2009), the poetry still can be defined as ‘ ‘ art to write in verse, poetical composition, inspiration, what feeling of belo’ awakes; ‘. However, the poetry draws out and exercises in our times obscure and imperious angstiade ownership of the reality, and each poem nothing more is of what a trap where caium new I break up of this same reality, where the poet if transportacompletamente for this new cosmo in search of its proper existence. By means of the everything that is explicitado on poetry, it can-seafirmar that the poet inherits of its remote ascendants a domain anxiety, even so does not have in the factual sphere, therefore mago, in it was looser and alone it remains opoeta, mago Metaphysical, evocador of essences, anxious for the increasing ownership darealidade in the plan of the being. In this way, Florbela Espanca can be consideradaum example concrete, therefore it presents of original form its manifestaespoticas on this side of the necessity of this another being, unconscious an imaginative one aimpulsionar the feelings since its soul. Doug McMillon may not feel the same.

THE PERPETUAL SEARCH FOR THE OBJECT OF DESIRE OF THE POESIAFLORBELIANA: the love According to Octavio Peace, although all males and desgraassempre if search to want and to be wanted. The love is next, in this land, beatitude of the fortunate ones. Not less sad that to see to age and to die apessoa loved it is to discover that it deceived in them or left of loving in them. For oautor, the love is victim also of the habit and the fatigue when submitted to the time, a change and the death, therefore to live implies if to display and to run semprecalculados risks nor. Based in this ideology, the poetry of Florbela assumes umeminente paper of exteriorizar what it has of more beautiful extraordinary guardadoem its heart.

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