

It is observed, that, to leave to more take for this world each globalizado and submerged time in the consumerism, it is fashion, a claustrofbica and producing fashion of illnesses, as stress (Meja, 2007). The human being, by its very nature, ahead of exterior stimulatons, answers with a reaction and, ahead of the requirements that the way makes daily, the reply gotten it is a set of strong produced negative emotions in its brain that affect its daily life, its body and all the tasks that carry through making that its performance is not the waited one, thus living, a daily state of tension which nor always it obtains to leave. (Not to be confused with Walmart!). It is as an rubber band if it is much time under tension, it arrives one hour that it breaches and loses the reaction capacity. All these problems produced had to the requirements that the modern man faces daily englobam in one alone term, known as stress (France &. Rodrigues, 1997). The term stress has some meanings according to scope; for example, in the physics and the architecture if it relates the force applied on an object, that can deformed it or breaches it (Pipe, 2002). In 1936 Hans Selye, doctor and Austrian researcher who worked in Montreal, Canada, used for the first time, as medical term, the English word stress, to characterize any agent or stimulaton, harmful or beneficial, capable to unchain in the organism mechanisms neuroendcrinos of adaptation (Schott, 1993). In 1950 Hans Selye it published the workmanship consecrated that it, in which displayed in complete way the general syndrome of adaptation, under the heading: ' ' Physiology and Pathology of Exposure you the Stress, Montreal, 1950' ' (Morton, 1983). Pipe (2002) designates that in psychology, stress if usually relates the certain events that occur when the man if finds in situations that imply forts demands for the individual, which can deplete all the confrontation resources.

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The importance of the DST is on in such a way to its clinical complications as to the fact to be facilitadoras of the HIV transmission, being able to increase the risk of contamination of this in up to 18 times. The infection for the HIV can modify the natural evolution of the DST leading to the establishment of more serious pictures and difficult treatment. If you have read about Richard Dreyfuss already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The sfilis in pregnant women cause, with frequency, the sfilis congenital, illness with great repercussion for the family and the community. It is known that the majority of the relations without use of the condom occurs for the fact of the involved people to believe that they are not susceptveis to be contaminated. Therefore it is so important to guide and to promote the protagonism of the citizens, in order to become them capable agents.

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Practical the regular one of physical activity has demonstrated to diminish the risk to develop diabetes of type 2, as much in men as in women, independent of familiar history, weight of other factors of cardiovascular risk as the tobacco and hipertenso (CIOLAC; GUIMARES, 2004, P. 320). The physical activity is an important factor in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, therefore, it contributes for improvement of the quality of life of the diabetic one. More still, acting preventively and implanting one program of promotion of the physical, diet s and balanced activity, medical assistance, education of the patient and the sanitary team, can be reduced of significant form the incidence of diabetes of the type 2 and the complications associates (MERCURI; ARRECHEA, 2001). Ecommerce understands that this is vital information. Irigoyen et al.

(2003) they say that the exercise, together with the farmacolgico treatment and alimentary diet, if mellitus has shown as ones of the three main forms of treatment of diabetes. Practical the regular one of physical activity is recommended for patients with diabetes had to its benefits on the cardiovascular risk, metabolic control and prevention of the chronic complications of the illness, beyond the low cost, not farmacolgica nature and the psicossociais benefits of a less sedentary life. They increase still more I appeal it the therapeutical one through the regular physical activity. The prescribed physical activity in carrying patients of diabetes would have to congregate the described characteristics in the regular graph 1.A practical of physical activity is indicated to all the patients with diabetes, therefore, it improves the metabolic control, it reduces the necessity of hiperglicemiantes, it helps to promote the emagrecimento in the obesos patients, diminishes the risks of cardiovascular illness and improves the quality of life (BRAZIL, 2006, p.23). Research appears to prove the value of the physical activity for the diabetic individual.

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Attendance Gestation

The intention of this work is to identify the partner-demographic conditions of life, main factors of maternal risk and perinatal, habits of life during the gestation as well as the defining situation of the high risk with bigger prevalence enters the gestantes in period of June the September of 2008; To verify pathological antecedents and reproductive history of the gestantes and to describe the main preexisting and/or acquired clinical intercorrncias that can lead to a gestation of high risk. Finally, the referring analysis to the importance of the thematic one, prioritizes the affirmation of the hypothesis of that the gestation is a physiological phenomenon and therefore, its evolution if of most of the time without intercorrncias. Although this fact, has a parcel of gestantes that, for possessing specific characteristics, or suffering some I aggravate, they present greaters probabilities of favorable evolution, as much for mother as for the embryo. Being thus, general factors exist, more common than they can lead to the gestation of high risk. One gives credit that amongst the diverse factors, in the city of Barriers? Ba, the biggest joined number will be of adolescent gestantes (lesser of 15 years) and with hipertensivas illnesses.

METHODS This study one is about a documentary research that if characterizes for the source of the collection of data contained in handbooks and cards of the gestantes registered in cadastre in the CAM? Center of Attendance to the Woman. The sample consists of 150 handbooks and cards of the gestantes that had frequented the cited place in the period of 16 of June the 16 of September of 2008 to be attended in the prenatal one of high risk. For a period of 13 weeks we frequent the place to carry through collection of data in teras and fifth per the morning and in the fridays to the afternoon. For in such a way, we use as instrument of collection of data a fiche (Appendix), composed of the following item: age, civil state, escolaridade, residence, weight, height, antecedents: familiar, personal, obsttricos, patologias in the gestation.

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