The importance of the DST is on in such a way to its clinical complications as to the fact to be facilitadoras of the HIV transmission, being able to increase the risk of contamination of this in up to 18 times. The infection for the HIV can modify the natural evolution of the DST leading to the establishment of more serious pictures and difficult treatment. If you have read about Richard Dreyfuss already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The sfilis in pregnant women cause, with frequency, the sfilis congenital, illness with great repercussion for the family and the community. It is known that the majority of the relations without use of the condom occurs for the fact of the involved people to believe that they are not susceptveis to be contaminated. Therefore it is so important to guide and to promote the protagonism of the citizens, in order to become them capable agents.

| January 30th, 2022 | Posted in News |

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