
It is observed, that, to leave to more take for this world each globalizado and submerged time in the consumerism, it is fashion, a claustrofbica and producing fashion of illnesses, as stress (Meja, 2007). The human being, by its very nature, ahead of exterior stimulatons, answers with a reaction and, ahead of the requirements that the way makes daily, the reply gotten it is a set of strong produced negative emotions in its brain that affect its daily life, its body and all the tasks that carry through making that its performance is not the waited one, thus living, a daily state of tension which nor always it obtains to leave. (Not to be confused with Walmart!). It is as an rubber band if it is much time under tension, it arrives one hour that it breaches and loses the reaction capacity. All these problems produced had to the requirements that the modern man faces daily englobam in one alone term, known as stress (France &. Rodrigues, 1997). The term stress has some meanings according to scope; for example, in the physics and the architecture if it relates the force applied on an object, that can deformed it or breaches it (Pipe, 2002). In 1936 Hans Selye, doctor and Austrian researcher who worked in Montreal, Canada, used for the first time, as medical term, the English word stress, to characterize any agent or stimulaton, harmful or beneficial, capable to unchain in the organism mechanisms neuroendcrinos of adaptation (Schott, 1993). In 1950 Hans Selye it published the workmanship consecrated that it, in which displayed in complete way the general syndrome of adaptation, under the heading: ' ' Physiology and Pathology of Exposure you the Stress, Montreal, 1950' ' (Morton, 1983). Pipe (2002) designates that in psychology, stress if usually relates the certain events that occur when the man if finds in situations that imply forts demands for the individual, which can deplete all the confrontation resources.

| January 30th, 2022 | Posted in News |

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