
The Educator

Thus we in ask &#039 to them; ' How if explicit this knowledge in the School? ' '. To explain this knowledge we consider that all child, when going the school already it has an empirical knowledge of the world encircles that it, has slight knowledge of the pertinent values its group. It fits then to the school to supply ways educating to organize the data of the reality, to perceive with clarity the action of the men through the existing work in this reality and Inter-relations between my members. In this perspective, leaving of concrete situations lived by the pupil, the professor elaborates a methodology on the natural and social world of educating. In the search of the theoretical knowledge necessary to interpret this situation, the professor with the pupil selects what he is significant, organizes given, elaborates texts, at last, exercises a systematic reflection, therefore thus the knowledge will be used as an instrument of transformation of its half construction of its history.

Thus, in the first series, the professor works with simple slight knowledge, few information and attributes characterize that them until arriving, in the end of 1 degree, to the field of the objective knowledge, elaborated, that he contains universal and abstract slight knowledge. When starting to lecionar Geography the educator must think, that he is showing a vast universe of information to educating, and the same will go to use – knot there its day-by-day. The professor when getting the conception of that the substance that is presented to educating, in a way or another one is part of our daily one, will go with more easiness to explanar the ideas that to entornar the subject. We must have the conscience of that, ' ' We see Geografia' ' , to the speech of the place where we live, of the feeding which we are ingesting, or to speak of the determined localization of one local one, etc. Jack Nicholson may not feel the same.

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Southern Cross

In such a way he is incorrect to imagine that the Sun every day appears accurately on the point cardinal East and if it puts in the West. This will only occur in the equinoxes, that is, in two occasions during the year. The way as books describes the methods of localization of the points cardinals in the truth allows that the pupil only finds the region approach where if he locates each one of them. It fits to the professor to leave clear to the pupil this situation. Some books still affirm that a method sufficiently practical to meet the point South cardinal is to use itself the constellation of the Southern Cross as reference. However, such constellation nor always will be visible in position shown for the didactic book or, many times, not even will be visible, therefore she will be very next to the horizon or below to the same, depending on the latitude where if it finds the observer. Shades to the noon Some didactic books affirm that to the noon the shade of an object if would only concentrate below of it, since the Sun would be accurately in the zenith. (BOCZKO, 1998).

Such information, however, is not accurately correct, since for places contained between the tropics the situation can occur, in the maximum, 2 days per year. In if treating to places on the tropics, it will occur in only one occasion during the year, (in the solstice of the corresponding summer). In the high latitudes never the shade will be observed in the vertical line to the noon (by the way, in schedule none). The best information that the didactic books would have to give to this respect would be that the shade of the object, to the noon, is shortest throughout the day. Stars ' ' pontudas' ' Comumente the didactic books represent the stars as being astros endowed with ' ' pontas' ' in several directions. One is about plus a situation where an image can harm the data understanding concept, therefore in the reality the stars are astros spherical and the such ' ' pontas' ' are only twinkles created for the fact of the light to estelar to cross the atmosphere of the Land. Comparison of brightness between planets and stars Exists little difference between a planet and a star when seen from the Land, being both shining astros, with the difference that this possesss proper light and that one it reflects only it. In such a way, it is difficult to the layperson in Astronomy to identify the planets in the sky.

In an attempt to nullify doubts regarding as to proceed, some didactic books present the idea of that it stops differentiating planets of stars is enough to make a comparison enters the brightness of both. This method is correct until certain point, therefore the planet presents, normally, brightness firmer than of a star, scintillating less than this. However, the method is not of all safe, therefore depending on the conditions atmospheric, the planets will reveal with so rocking brightness how much of a star. Moreover, in case that the planet if finds next very to the horizon, its light will have to cross one

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Average Education

The conception of searching professor sends in them to a paradigm: education and research. When the professor is said as researcher, this is seen as one ' ' solucionador of problemas' ' in the educational area, that is, expectations are great servants in relation to this professor. With the finishing of the research, if this not to generate resulted positive, many times the searching professor is pointed as the responsible one for not the resolution of the pertaining to school problems. Many times the same do not have the support of the school to exert its career of searching professor, leaving it thus, at some moments, not motivated. 3.A University and the Schools of Basic and Average Ensino: an important relation in the Formation of the Professor of Geography the relations between the University and the Schools of Basic and Average Education, whose basic objective is pautado in the teaching formation, would have to be ample and harmonious. The amplitude of the same ones would be in the possibilities of performance of the probationary learning in the practical one developed inside of the classrooms, already the harmony, would be related to the acceptance of the trainees in the pertaining to school environment for all the managing team of the school.

This contact between the University and the Schools only happens in the period of the period of training. Space this, in which, the learning of the Course of Licenciatura in Geography participates as observing and listener of some lessons, observing the regency of the professor who gives disciplines it. When reflecting this contact, we notice that the learning is not playing its role of researcher, therefore does not have nothing to offer of new the professor who is in the classroom. Malysz (2007), in the article ' ' Period of training in partnership university-education bsica' ' , it ahead places a personal point of view of the reality for analyzed it, in which the interaction between probationary learning is seen as an alternative of interaction with the professors of regular education.

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State Territory

56), the civilizations would have to be questioned on the understanding of the regions, because they are who when developing productive activities in the territories create Inter-relationships between individuals and sectors. For Marcelo Lopes de Souza (2003, p.79) the concept of territory elaborated from the empiricist-descriptive matrix evokes the national scope detaching the State in the defense of the native territory, not excluding a reflection on this, while, natural resources, geographic position front the economic blocks. An independent society is that one that defends its territory as cultural identity and at the same time continent of resources. According to Abramovay (2003) the territory, more than simple physical base for the relations between individuals and companies possesss one fabric social that is built constantly, by means of its complex organizations, carried through for bows that surpasses natural environments, as well as the planned and constructed nets, as the tracks for the transports and the medias. ' ' A territory represents a tram of bonds with historical roots, configurations politics and identities that still play a role little known in the proper development econmico' ' (Idem, P. 45) In this direction also Rogrio Haesbaert (1999) it standes out that, the region is an intellectual construction, but is built by the activity human being, in its constant productions of the territorial diversity, being the basic question the perception of the agents and the prioritized processes to understand the reasons of the space differentiation. An alternative to treat the regional question can be defined in the picture of the territorial integration, while synthesis of the division process social technique and of the work, the productive concentration and the financial centralization estimating the existence of relations of being able, definite by means of the politics and of economy. In the capitalism, all region possesss a center that the structure, being the levels of territorial integration the consolidation of its urban net, disclosing to financial productivity in the reorganization and performance of the urban and agricultural nets, mainly, in the advanced economies.

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