
Braga (2003, p,01) places the following one: It is important to pontuar that the literary text dialogues and poetiza social history, but reproduces never it faithful. Being thus, she is necessary to promote the education of Literature focusing it while aesthetic production, and not while historical pictures articulated by a well elaborated language: e, still to evidence that its function is to promote before the moral formation, the aesthetic experience. We observe, from this I break up, that seen literature as art provides, at a first moment, the aesthetic pleasure that is produced simply when the reader obtains to interact with the text. Of this interaction it is consolidated psychological function, based in the aspiration of the man in being losted in thought it a fictitious, imaginary world, which if evokes, many times, for a desire of the unconscious one. We point out that other forms exist to satisfy this necessity of to run away, running away from its lasts routine or in the anxiety to live deeply other experiences. However, we emphasize the importance of literature as it saw essential and spontaneous so that this necessity human being if materialize. On the imagination, War (1947, P. 2) displays that this if deals with ' ' college to represent, under a sensible form, objects ausentes.' ' This cited representation is the space that the reader dimensiona, attributing to it characteristic evoked as its subjectivity and sensitivity.

In these circumstances, we will detach the sensitivity concept, according to proper War (1947, p,18). as a source, but as a related topic. This will previously strengthen the done ranks when saying that ' ' sensitivity the same is that the power to feel. It understands the sensations, or perceptions of the corporal directions, and the internal directions of the soul, such as the joy, the sadness, the desire, the fear, the anger, esperana' '. In a literary prism, sensitivity allows the citizen to give to life and movement to the things, therefore, from this it only is that the literary universe could be felt e, pleasant, enjoyed.

| July 1st, 2021 | Posted in News |

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