The Personal

This change generated one interchanges of experiences, of professionals and material, provoking the approach of the two educational systems: special and regulating the verbalizada integration as best the practical one in the process of education of carrying children of the necessities special, implies reciprocity. But the based pedagogical process in the integration must be gradual and dynamic, adjusted the necessities of each individual. In the truth, the integration effective implies a total change of attitude. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Terry Rossio. It implies to desmitificar the question of the conviviality and of the special education of the carrying child of necessities e, for this, it is of the principle, importance the paper of the professionals and specialists. If the deaf child in a school or a common classroom cannot play, alleging the inseriz necessity it na regular school; This would correspond to ignore its necessity to have an attendance careful, capable all to make possible the development of its potential of communication. Old, the deaf child frequented the school common and if she converted into a great duplicating machine; but this attitude cannot serve of example for the new experiences a school where deficient one does not exist no, it offers the pupils, a false impression of the real world, in 1997, the statisticians had after all shown that in Brazil they had millions of deficient, what today, certainly I number, it is well bigger. The constitution guarantees to all the access the school. All unit must take care of to the legal principles and it cannot exclude nobody, the document promulgated in Brazil for 2001 decree, reaffirms that the people with deficiency have the same rights and freedoms that excessively. The school must encourage to the appreciation and the respect for the differences between the children, accomodate them in the process and integrate them of the best possible form, therefore more than integration, the inclusion of deaf children in the regular classrooms represents a historical advance in relation to the inclusion movement, claiming a reorganization of the system of education with the objective to make with that the school if becomes open the differences and competent to work with all the personal educandos without extinguishing of race, sort or characteristics.

| January 30th, 2022 | Posted in News |

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