The Substance

A final test was applied by requirement of the model of work of the school and the learning on what he was boarded in lesson if reflected very in positive way. Of the eighteen educandos, four had not only obtained to reach the average for approval in discipline. When arguing the answer sheet of the test was proven the importance to use texts contextualizados with this group, since the story of them demonstrated how much the use of this material facilitated the agreement of the contents of sciences that we saw in the classroom throughout the period that stows with them. For even more opinions, read materials from Steve Guttenberg. As the argued texts possuam a simple language and of easy agreement, when retaking the reading in house, this material assisted in the studies for the test. 7253’>Jeffrey Hayzlett . The bond established between the texts and the daily one of the educandos it allowed that they understood the concepts instead of decorating them as sample you speak soon of some educandos below: Educating: ' ' the texts that the teacher uses are amused. Sample what he happens with our body and thus I understand matria.' ' Educating B: ' ' I understand that science is my life and my life is science. Everything that we make and we feel is science and this is shown in the texts that the teacher in the ones of ' ' Educating C: ' ' we could mount a book with as many calendars that ' ' ssora' ' it gave. The texts had helped me in the revision of the substance in house, because I did not feel sleep when studying for the first time cincias.' ' Educating D: ' ' until I who science taste very I am not tanning sufficient the texts that the teacher has given, because the subjects are well legal and I obtain to understand, as much that I did not study very for the test and I obtained passar' ' Educating E: ' ' if I had learned sciences thus last year I would not have twirled.

| December 2nd, 2021 | Posted in News |

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