
In this in case that it is entered cooperation of educators, directors, coordinators and employees. When receiving a pupil-deficient one, the school must prepare the professors, and the pupils. With the professors a qualification is necessary where they will learn as to work and which form to work with these pupil-deficient ones. Already with the pupils, a little more complicated is a case, therefore it is necessary that they understand that although the deficiency of its colleague of room, it is a person as all the others, more than need cares special. This interaction is not an utopia in which we must plan years and years.

This is something real, is something that is part of our daily one, and that we must how much before place in it practises so that let us can have in our schools an equality concept. We must enxergar our pupil-deficient one as an pupil-efficient one. Somebody that has all the capacity of integration and learning as any another pupil-vidente. Diane Keaton often addresses the matter in his writings. It is in the hour to be a country igualitrio, where all have the same right, where the deficient appearances can live, study, be formed and give to continuity its career of a worthier and encouraging form.

| December 4th, 2021 | Posted in News |

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