Conceptual Map

To follow we present the Conceptual Map of History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and African in a colaborativa virtual perspective with interactive technologies: In the colaborativa learning the relation professor and pupil ‘ ‘ it contemplates the interrelao and the interdependence of the human beings that will have to be solidary when searching happy ways for a healthy life of proper them and of planeta’ ‘. (Alcntara and Behrens, 2003, P. 426). The necessary professor to advance for a proposal of Alcntara and Behens (2003) of ‘ ‘ methodology of the colaborativa learning with technologies interativas.’ ‘ In this perspective this article makes an analysis of as the advance of the communication technologies and information (Internet) can, from public politics, to contribute for black adult young the digital inclusion of () and not black () in the public schools. from the digital inclusion, to make possible to these pupils an education of the ethnic-racial relations for the education of the culture and of history afro-Brazilian and African in a colaborativa virtual perspective. Development In relation to this analysis we point following the problematic one: which are the contributions that the public school together with the information technologies, publication and communication will be able to offer for the production of knowledge and preservation of the history and black memory of pupils () and not-blacks () of adult the young education of e? Therefore many pupils of the young education of adult are only consuming of information on its histories and cultures.

Until he seems that mainly the black pupils () are not part of the history of Brazil. By means of the use of the computer and its resources, we can know other forms of acquisition of collective, colaborativo knowledge, constructed of participativa form through a process of interaction between two or more people.

| January 20th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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