Confintea Black

this innovation must be present in the young education of adult. For Confintea the young education of adult faces a great challenge, that consists: in preserving and registering the verbal and cultural knowledge of the different groups. The intercultural education must promote the learning and the interchange of knowledge enters and on different cultures, for the peace, of the human rights, the basic freedoms, the democracy, of justice, pacific coexistence and of the cultural diversity. (CONFINTEA, 19970). in relation the intercultural education and of the education of History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and African we have some questionings.

How education of young adult has worked this thematic one? The ethnic-cultural productions of the diverse groups formadores of the Brazilian nation have been incorporated to the pertaining to school knowledge? the life daily, the customs, the traditions and its cultures have been used as support for its learning? That methodologies are used in the school to provide to the black pupils () and not black () dialogues on its history and its culture? How the technologies of information and communication (Internet and its tools) are contributing for the production of knowledge of these pupils? These questionings must be gifts in the quarrels of all () professional of the education. In this perspective, when knowing its difficulties, necessities and realities black adult young pupils () and (black) will not be excluded much less passive agents or mere listeners of its history and culture. For Ana Lucia Souza Hisses (2006): the school must develop action so that all () black () and not-blacks (), constructs its individual and collective identities, guaranteeing the right to learn and to extend its knowledge, without being obliged to deny itself proper or to the group ethnic-racial the one that belongs..

| January 29th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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