Deep Breathing

For example, it tries to sing raising and lowering of tone in the musical scale, of the form in which they do it to the singers before a concert. It aloud reads a note or a page of a book, varying the volume, tone, speed and quality. You do some exercises of streching, like tocarte the toes and to turn the head from a side to another one. Many writers such as NBA offer more in-depth analysis. It practices different gestures like indicating, closing your fist, or encogerte of shoulders. Like the musicians and athletes, these exercises of heating will help relajarte and to be sure that you are far better preparation for presentarte. 3. He uses the Deep Breathing. A fast form to calm your anxiety is through the deep breathing.

Taking deep breathings through your nose, maintaining the air while accounts up to five, and soon exhala the air slowly by the mouth. While exhalas, feels how the pressure and the nervousness little by little are drained by your arms, and leave by the end of your fingers, apart from which they are lowering by your body, your legs, and also end up leaving by the fingers your feet. The procedure repeats one second or third time if it is necessary. 4. It prepares an Introduction that Relaxes to you and to your Public. The majority of the exhibitors knows that once secures a favorable reaction of the public, they will relax. For this reason, several exhibitors begin with the good humor – he relaxes them to this to them and to its public.

If a humoristic introduction is inadequate for the occasion or you do not feel comfortable with humor, to share a personal experience is another alternative. As you prefer, it realises your first movements in such a way that you can sentirte comfortable during your exhibition.

| August 22nd, 2019 | Posted in News |

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