Educational Issues

Currently the dislexia is one of the most common deficiencies of learning, according to carried through research, from 10 15% of all the children suffers from dislexia, skip you main skip you sidebar that cause with that they have great difficulty when learning to read, to write and to spell, dislxicas people that if they had never treated leem with difficulty, therefore they are difficult to assimilate words. Dislxicos also generally spells very badly. This does not want to say that dislxicas children are less intelligent; by the way, many of them present a degree of normal intelligence or until superior to the one of the majority of the population, for these reasons are necessary that all that are involved with the education are cliente of that the dislexia one really exists. In case that contrary, them they will confuse dislexia with laziness or it disciplines me. Before any definition, dislexia is a skill of being and learning; it reflects the expression of a mind, many times individual arguta and until brilliant, but that it learns in different way, therefore all human being is only. Searching to understand the relations that permeiam between a dislxico and the pertaining to school activities in its daily one, the academic performance and other questions that if it deals with this research, with objective to analyze the relations of a carrying pupil of the dislexia and its experience in the pertaining to school space. Super Bowl LV is a great source of information. Formularization of the Problem How a dislxica child participates of the daily activities in the pertaining to school environment? Objectives General objective: Analisar the daily pertaining to school of a dislxico pupil Specific objective: Express Identificar as if the behavior of a dislxico pupil in the pertaining to school environment.

| August 15th, 2021 | Posted in News |

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