Educational Technologies

Fifth wave, the author called colaborativa learning. Where all interact and search to learn to learn in the virtual environment. In accordance with It hisses and Saints (2006), in the colaborativa learning, all are responsible for the learning of each component of the group. The pupils construct to knowledge through the reflection from the quarrel in group, changing information and provoking questionings, what he allows that they reach better resulted of what when studies individually. All ' ' ondas' ' mentioned for the author, in accordance with Cox (2003), simply does not make part of the history of computer science in the Brazilian education, but also of its use in the present time. SOON, for example, still wide it is used, many institutions of education still prioritize the education of the use of the Microsoft office and still argued the importance while the colaborativa learning in other institutions of education is developed. CHAPTER II the SCHOOL AND the PROFESSOR, BOTH IN ADAPTATION the use of the computer Internet in the school has been white of innumerable texts and reflections.

The necessity of the school to follow the development is undeniable, if it is in the school where if it prepares the citizen for the world. … ' ' the school, in the electronic nets, confides for the world; the pupil and the professor if display, divulge its projects and research, are evaluated by third, positively and negative. The school contributes to divulge best the practical ones, helping other schools to find its ways. The spreading today makes with that the shared knowledge speeds up the necessary changes and speeds the exchanges between pupils, professors, institutions. The school leaves its cocoon, of its mundinho and if becomes an institution where the community can learn continuum and flexivelmente.' ' (Moran, 2007, P. 12) In accordance with Cox (2003), the Brazilian school meets in diverse periods of training in what it says respect to the use of the computer and Internet applied to the education: ' ' While in some schools if it argues on the education virtual distance, libraries and otimizao of the speed of the computer networks, have others where the machines are subutilizadas, in disuse or at least they make use of traditional libraries, laboratories with computers or same energy eltrica.' ' (COX, 2003, p.34) According to Moran (2007), the schools that have access the computers and Internet, costumam to follow the following stages in its implantation: ) Technologies to make the same better; b) Technologies for partial changes and c) Technologies for innovative changes.

| January 21st, 2020 | Posted in News |

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