Intrauterine Life

Most are out of luck to those who were born during the flowering of grasses or angiosperm trees. Scientists have discovered an interesting rule: if the last three months of intrauterine life and the first six since the birth occurred in the autumn or winter, the manifestation of hay fever in the child will be much weaker. Even if he – hereditary allergies. Misunderstanding the seventh. You may want to visit Ray White to increase your knowledge. Prevent the seasonal exacerbation of allergy is not who you say? Experts are convinced that the difficult season can and should be prepared in advance. One of the latest and most effective – method of specific hyposensitization, consists in introducing a quiet period of the disease of small doses of the allergen under the skin or under the tongue.

With such 'grafting' in the body of man suffering from allergies formed by resistance to the stimulus. Communicating with those responsible for the emergence of atopy with antibodies, allergen neutralizes them. According to legend, likewise taught himself to small doses of venom and Napoleon did not die when then tried to poison him. The effectiveness of treatment by hyposensitization shows and modern medical practice. Now, the recovery observed in eight (!) Out of ten cases. Recently, the already standard tests for allergy plant was added new advanced method of diagnostic Swedish Pharmacia Diagnostics to test Phadiatop, allowing to identify a hereditary allergy to very early stages.

It's enough drop of blood in which is a mixture of small amounts of different allergens. If there is a reaction to at least one of them, there can be no doubt: the person has an allergy. And that's what it is, you need to understand in more detail, test it on the greatest possible number of allergens. Allergy sufferers in a note to get rid of allergies, alas, is impossible. But make life easier for allergy sufferers – a very real problem. It is only necessary to observe a number of simple but effective rules. If possible, refuse from some fruits and vegetables. If you are allergic to birch pollen, apple, hazel and alder, be especially careful when using apples, cherries, plums, peaches, carrots, potatoes, kiwi fruit. If your whip – quinoa, restrict his diet to spinach and beets. If you cough and sneeze during flowering sage, we should expect an allergy to citrus fruits, chicory, sunflower seeds, butter, halva, honey. And there are no rolls! On spring (season exacerbations of allergies) from the daily diet, this product, as well as cereals, pasta, stale bread, cookies, those who are allergic to house dust, it is better to withdraw. You should not they also to eat and foods containing yeast and mold (beer, brew, champagne, wine, apple and grape juices, various cheeses). Recent studies have shown that hay fever appears together with latex allergy. At the time of flowering trees and grasses do not try to use rubber gloves, condoms, latex bathing caps, tights with Lycra, and young children less likely to give a pacifier. Provocateurs pollinosis can become and house plants. Especially dangerous in this respect, ficus, begonias, ivy, jasmine, Madagascar, chrysanthemum, dieffenbachia, and geranium. Take prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and sopletecheniya and you still have. After 45 years, when the 'wooden' and 'herbal' allergy is on the wane.

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| November 6th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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