Jean Piaget

Alberto, from the classic doctrine of the places, formulated some rules mnemonic: the idea of ‘ ‘ adequate simulacros of the things that if recordar’ desires; ‘ on to the corporal relations; after that, to rationalize on the order of the facts; later, the effect of stimulation of the memory, ‘ ‘ to meditar frequently in what recordar’ is desired; ‘ (p.454-455). 4.Os progressos of the memory written and appeared of the Renaissance to our days. In this topic the author comments the importance of the invention of the press for the constitution of memory occidental person, providing the access of the common reader to the one collective memory, attending themselves then, to the gradual exteriorizao of the individual memory, having an important consequence: ‘ ‘ the classic theory of the memory formed in the greco-roman

Seniority is modified by the scholastic, that has a central place in the pertaining to school life, literary and artistic of the average Age, disappearing almost that completely in the movement humanista’ ‘ (p.457). When citing woollen Pierre Rame, it observes that the old techniques of memorization are substituted by new, that according to Rame, they obedessem to the one order dialectic. In the pertaining to school systems the substances related to the stimulaton of the memory, diminish of importance in a chain ‘ ‘ anti-memria’ ‘ , whereas the scholars of the cognitivo development, as the exponent Jean Piaget, had demonstrated that the memory and intelligence if complement (p.459). The contribution of the described vocabularies is also commented in dictionaries, as important source of research, showing that ‘ ‘ the daily life was penetrated by the necessity of memria’ ‘..

| December 5th, 2021 | Posted in News |

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