Metropolitan Associations

Another resolution, of certain, would not have its friend of fights, case the outcome of that departure it had been favorable. With this resolution, it waits Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro F.C to have given a loyal and sincere demonstration of confraternidade, of coherence with the spirit with that if she presents to the meeting and of respect to the value of its winners. Without more, I serve myself of the happy chance to present the V. Excia. the protests of high mine esteem and distinct consideration.

Iber Bernardes, 1 secretrio.' ' When taking knowledge of this noble attitude, Is Cristvo sends to the tricolor a craft with the following text: ' ' Exmo. Mr. President of the Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro Football Club. On behalf of Mr. President I have honor to bring to the knowledge of V. Excia.

that the direction of this club, knowing the craft of the Association Metropolitan whom if it relates to the last departure of the championship of volleyball where if had faced our modest team the valorosos players of the club that so worthy is presided over by V. Excia., were surprised with the resolution of the Advice Technician of that Association, but since soon it cumpriz it was prontificou, for a duty of not only disciplines, as in attention to its loyal adversary, without a doubt one of whom more the cavalheirismo and gentility of its elements send regards for. The craft that V. Excvia. On behalf of the direction it ordered to send to the Association Metropolitan, giving up, in sincere terms that characterize the loyalty of the true esportista to play any another departure that came definitively to solve the championship of volleyball, came to confirm the high concept that always mui deservedly was made Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro F.C., model of the esportivas organizations of the country and that as much pride cause to its co-brothers.

| June 26th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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