Military Policy

The war of you engage in guerilla warfare would be the main form of fight for the PC of the B, following the Chinese line of Hand Ts Tung, that synthecizes: ' ' When the enemy advances, withdraws; when for we fustigate, it; when it is gotten tired we attack, it; when one leaves, perseguimos' ' (MORAL; IT HISSES. 2005:35). On the other hand, the military regimen looked for to organize a extermnio war to face the resistance of the Araguaia. A extermnio war, with railway censorship and of which nobody could know, disrespecting the Convention of Geneva. One fight that practically finished for leading almost to the dizimao of the totality of the resistance. Something is similar what it happened in other countries that had passed for periods of dictatorship, as are the cases of Chile and Argentina.

A resistance movement existed that lasted three years and it was practically decimated, and this flame the attention. Why this happened? What it motivated this resistance? Why is succeeded a movement as this? Which the reasons to occult it? They had fought the guerrila Forces of the Araguaia, all a military and police device of the regimen that mobilized 20 a thousand men approximately. 9 ' ' During more than two years renhida fight was stopped. The Army carried through three great and aparatosas campaigns, in set with the Aeronautics, the Navy and the Military Policy, counting on modern armaments and vast material resources. In the first one? in April/June of 1972? it put in action 5 a thousand men; in second? in September/November of 1972? it used 15 a thousand men; in third, of October of 1973 the May of 1974, soldados&#039 mobilized of 5 the 6 a thousand; ' 3. In this way, if it presents a moment to use all the forces in the construction and elaboration of a history of the guerrilla where if they admit the errors that can have been committed, on both sides, running away from the attempt of, even though, erasing the memory of participation of the agents of this episode of the recent history of Brazil.

| June 8th, 2020 | Posted in News |

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