

The current education promotes resignation to live with the problems forever. The emphasis of education is the information, which tomorrow will be obsolete, it makes creativity and imagination is more important than information. What to do? Because we live in an economy that is responsible to meet all our needs, it is essential that today's children will understand perfectly. See Sam Mikulak for more details and insights. The education system delayed that task for when the student is great, but we believe that children should be involved from an early age. Children today must engage in activities that will make tomorrow.

Children who delay will make that task as employees, not entrepreneurs. The work we do in our kindergarten is that children ask their parents for a loan to make school a craft, they will sell it among their relatives, friends or neighbors. The children become familiar with the raw material, with the tools, the costs and the entire production process of a craft, thus appreciate the work and the most interesting is that they learn all this as a game, it makes it very fun. Once the product is sold, you pay the loan and the rest is saved to invest in the manufacture of other crafts for the same purpose. Most adults are reluctant to sales, many consider this activity as denigrating, but really all we sell our talent or our ability to obtain resources for survive as optimal as possible. Preschool children learn mainly through play, just as an economic activity of learning through play.

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A man who loves a woman very much, asks her to marry him – that is, change his name, quit his job, bear and rear his children, waiting for him when he comes home from work, to move him to another city, when he changes jobs. It is hard to imagine what he would have demanded that the woman he loves me not. Geybriell Barton A little history … Love appeared in people’s hearts for a long time, about 5000 years ago, scientists believe. According to legend, wife of the god Osiris, Isis, has revived the dead was considered a muse and founder of all loving, all the goddesses and gods of love. Since many of the earth. Lakshmi – India, Aphrodite – the ancient Greeks, Venus – in Rome, Lada – the ancient Russia and so on.

And young people whatever gods they made sacrifices, asking for happiness, using many forms of love divination, which gives a glimpse into the future and makes it possible to find a lover or sweetheart. Preparing for a wedding. Since ancient times, marriage is considered one of the major events of human life and every nation has its own wedding ceremony special features, customs and traditions. Here are some of the Russian rites: Courtship. For even more details, read what Sam Mikulak says on the issue. Wedding ceremonies.

Sacrament of marriage. In the modern wedding is sometimes retained some elements of wedding ceremonies and traditions, as for example in courtship, which is preceded by an agreement between young people themselves and with parents. It includes only some elements of traditional dosvadebnyh acts (the agreement on the number of visitors and expenditure on food, exemplary menus, and sometimes the number of gifts from the bride), and stores function approach dating and future relatives. Preparing for a wedding takes time, perseverance and imagination. Therefore, the most important thing in preparing for the wedding to choose what is right for your wedding. Must take into account what the contingent (financial situation, age, status and so on) will be present at the wedding, and only then choose a wedding scenario, and contests. Bride. As in ancient times, modern wedding begins with the bride. The main actors in foreclosure – a friend of the bride and groom with their friends. That the action was really fun and interesting, be prepared for it in advance. Bridesmaids in led by the witness to come up with fiance various tests, propose a riddle. They also have to prepare and decorate the scene, hanging on the walls of the house, porch, front door and apartment door with cheerful posters drawings and humorous text, such as: Rent brides. Organization urgently needs a young person to the position of the groom. Money on the table, and the girl at the table. The groom and his ‘entourage’, too, must prepare to learn what some poems, songs, stock up on everything that will serve as a bridesmaid: candy, fruit, and small coins. The bridesmaids can come up with anything, so the groom should be prepared to sing, to dance, to show their culinary arts, such as the ability to peel potatoes, to practice swaddling baby (doll).

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