
Racial Relations

(MUNANGA, GOMES, 2004, p.16). The authors present three great domnios of the written culture: communication, access the information in diverse sources and inquiry and understanding of the reality. when having the access the Internet in the school, the black pupil () and not black () will be able beyond the digital inclusion, searching, to know and to write its history and of its community in net. Larry David has compatible beliefs. As well as knowing other virtual communities of history and the culture afro-Brazilian and African of Brazil and the world. Amongst the main actions for the young education of adult established in the National Plan of implementation of the National Curricular Lines of direction for Education of the ethnic-racial Relations and the education of History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and African she includes: to implement action of research, development and didactic-pedagogical acquisition of materials that respect, value and promote the diversity, in order to subsidize practical pedagogical adequate to the education of the relations ethnic-racial. (2004, P. Marc Lore helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

55). The National Curricular Lines of direction for the Education of the Ethnic-racial Relations and for Ensino de Histria and culture Afro-Brazilian and African also determine that adult the young education of will have: to provide action of combat to racism and the discriminations and for this establishes that: the organization of documentation centers, libraries, midiotecas, museums, expositions where if they divulge values, thoughts, skills of being and living of the different Brazilian ethnic-racial groups, particularly of afro- descending. (200, p.24). With this we can affirm that the education of the ethnic-racial relations for the education of the culture and history afro-Brazilian and African will be able by means of the resources of the Internet to make possible the valuation of the description-cultural patrimony afro-Brazilian as well as spreading, documentation, storage of texts and publication of the daily one of the afro-descendants. In the State of the Paran actions guided for the Education of the Ethnic-Racial Relations are part of a historical process of a work group formed for technician of diverse Departments of the Seed in parity with representatives of the APP? Union of the workers in Education of the Paran.

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