
Proper Training Bodybuilding

The very essence of bodybuilding for beginners is that you need to prepare your body and your mind to train. Learn more at: Frank Ntilikina. What I mean by preparation? First, the effective start of training bodybuilder you must first just prepare your cardiovascular system for testing hardware, such as: If you've never trained or still involved in sports, but long ago, the first thing you need to begin their training with aerobic work, that is, jogging, swimming, or some other active sport and then easily switch to weightlifting. What is it? The whole point is that before you bodybuilding need to tone the cardiovascular system, improve the conductivity of your tissues and internal organs for better delivery of essential nutrients to all parts and organs of your body. It takes usually 3-4 weeks and only after that go boldly into the room and proceed to the exercises in bodybuilding. Second, the preparation for the march to the gym will be to find the very sport hall. But in any case should not just buy a subscription for year ahead, consider a few suggestions.

Get the first one-time season ticket and only then make a conclusion in a sports hall should go. For example, I pay particular attention to the sports hall to vent comfort, the remoteness from my house and the cost. Also pay attention to the presence of professional trainers who will help you engage in bodybuilding and in the presence of only the required set of trainers and free weights. And, if all conditions suit you, feel free to take a loan for a month or more ahead. Third, once the choice is made of the hall, bought ticket, then a novice bodybuilder's time to start training.

However, on the ground stage bodybuilding novice athletes should learn to do all the exercises with proper technique, otherwise the injury can not be avoided. So the first thing is missing a lot of weight, and training with small weights and perfect technique. This mode of training will last about a week 3-4, the field which you will perform on each exercise machine. Fourth, once you have mastered every move with a little weight, it is time to gradually increase the severity of the shell and begin to perform heavy basic exercises with free weights to build muscle. However, if such exercises you should consider the important rules for effective muscle growth: Make every approach to the number of repetitions in the range of 8 to 12, since this is the best way to promote muscle growth. Emphasis on heavy basic movements with weights. These include: bench press, deadlift and squat with a barbell. These exercises work best to develop growth hormone, thereby forcing your body to grow. Fifth, in any case do not forget about proper nutrition and rest after a workout. Nutrition and rest along with exercise to 100% success in bodybuilding, especially for beginners, so never neglect any of these factors, otherwise you will not see the muscles. Try to stick to this schedule Training – 1 day of training followed by a rest day. Here are the basic principles that need to perform when doing bodybuilding for beginners. And if you follow them well and not turn away from the path set of masses, whereas in You get to build the body of your dreams. I wish you success in your muscle gain and bodybuilding in general!

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Power Exercise

Squatting. Here, everything is clear intuitively – come to the counter, put the barbell on your shoulders and squat. Rod is better to put the neck, the muscles of the trapezoid – is less traumatic, and you will be able to reap greater weight. Watch for back – bending it can not hump. Deadlift. This exercise, many ignored, due to the difficulty of its implementation, and swollen with rumors about his trauma. More information is housed here: CEO of e-commerce.

However, it is best to exercise develops the entire back entirely. And as you know, your back muscles are among the most important for a boxer – they participate in the 'release' hands and add a solid mass. Many boxers do not look superatletami, but the professionals back muscles, at least in developed always. Performing the exercise as follows – rod lying on the floor, and you try to retrieve the rod in poluprisede. Your task – to fully straighten the pole in his hands.

The fundamental error of beginners – 'ragged' movement – that is, at first unbend legs, and only then spin. Pull rod is better slitnym movement – legs and back straighten simultaneously. Then drop traumatic, and the weight you can take more. Spin, as in the squat should not slouch. On final stage, when you stood up, try to keep the barbell in each repetition for 3-5 seconds. This is a very useful way to develop the latissimus dorsi and forearms. Method of Power There are various methods development of force, united by common rules described in the previous section.

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Ukraine Training

New types of sport there with enviable regularity, many people have their fans, soon moving from the amateur ranks to the level of professional sports. Kitesurfing is a new kind of water extreme sports. In this sport used board and pulling device – the kite, he is using wind power to pull people along. The popularity of the sport due to its exotic and the opportunity to get a new sensation of riding the waves. Kiting is hardly an easy sport. Before you feel confident and get on board, you should take kiteboarding school * *.

In Ukraine there are so many places in which there is full kite training. Choosing a place of comprehension of this interesting sports, you should pay attention to the Crimea and Odessa. Thanks to appropriate weather conditions, Crimea, Odessa and are ideally suited to the small period of time to learn kite surfing. Very clear that going through training kite, beginner kite need to go to the store and buy special equipment for kiteboarding: board and kite. Now buy kiteboard possible in the few online stores, unnecessarily kite has not yet gained universal popularity in Ukraine. If, for example, have the opportunity to sell kites, it should certainly take advantage of. But before you buy should carefully review all of the equipment, such as a trapeze for the kite is damaged, or even a small crack will result in injury during training. When selecting items for the kite, it is necessary guided by personal feelings, above all, the future owner should be comfortable.

Each school has a kitesurfing season mode, but the plot somewhat more than three months in the summer. Training takes place, from late spring to mid autumn, so if you had to train in the spring or fall, it is better to think in advance about a special suit, which will not be cold skim over the waves. Not at all necessarily go to the Crimea and Odessa, only to learn kite surfing in Odessa, this passion goes perfectly with the rest. Catching up on training at least several hours a day, after a short time span you can go to normal skating.

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Correct Sports Nutrition

Many ordinary townsfolk, not 'on' the mysteries of sports nutrition, sports nutrition is mainly associated with the protein. The reason is that the protein is the most popular sports supplement among Athletes who want to build muscle. What is protein? Protein – one of the most important supplements needed for athletes wanting to build up muscles. Marc Lore insists that this is the case. Connected this with the fact that the protein contains 95% protein in its composition, and protein in turn is used by our body to build muscle tissue. Accepted proteins, usually in the form of protein shakes, which are fairly easy to prepare at home. The structure of protein kokteyleh include: self protein, milk or water and various flavorings, for example – melkoporezannye fruit.

How and when to take protein and that affects the absorption of protein, so as to make the same protein? Acceptance of any sport power must be matched to the biological rhythm of the human body. The assimilation of protein and efficiency of its acceptance also depends on the biological clock within our body. The most favorable time for learning Protein accounts for the morning, we can say at the time – immediately upon waking. If, however, take protein after 8 pm, the benefits of such a method will be minimal and amino acid levels in the body will not rise. And do not affect the this process, even higher doses of protein. With what is connected, such a scheme digestibility of protein? On this question, as always, scientists have found the answer.

According to the hypothesis, they are even, which was later confirmed by practical experiments with the participation of bodybuilders, the level of amino acids in the blood and protein digestibility managed by two hormones: terioydny hormone and growth hormone. Burst release of these hormones by the body, it is necessary to REM sleep, ie the time during one and a half hours after falling asleep. Thus, scientists have confirmed that the best time for protein intake have morning or at the time just after noon, and within an hour after workout when you open a so-called 'window Protein'. At other times of the day, protein intake will be ineffective. Why not take protein before a workout? This is due to the fact that physical activity completely blocks the growth of muscle tissue with amino acids derived from proteins. During exercise, your body switches to the production of energy from glucose and glycogen accumulated in the muscles and liver. When These glycogen stores run out, the body begins to produce energy from protein, but not of protein that you took, and right out of the muscles in the form of amino acids with branched side chains. After completion of training in Within an hour, and worked in the damaged muscles contracted mikrotramvami amino acids that begin the healing process microtraumas muscle fibers. It is this time called "protein window ', is receiving easily digestible protein will be just in time. We sincerely hope that now the question – how to make protein for you completely exhausted and you can easily plan your diet in a way that would get the maximum effect of protein intake.

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Latest Find

The current human society demands from each of us to stay all the time, they say, in the center of events regularly to stay informed about major news. Another way in fact not be able to work, and in the human interaction a person who does not know about the latest news, will be at least strange. But, of course, because of the growing addiction to gaining timely and interesting information, it is important not only to find news and – especially just the best news. Since the amount of data, which comes every day, so it is essential that each of us would need only examine the news from all over world. To sex and occupation of free time in nature would be left.

Why choose a suitable source of the most interesting and topical news from the entire world – can mean practically, to achieve prosperity in reality. The modern member of society not only find news from a certain area, even if it is – a branch of his professional activity. Since human life consists of many different aspects. Need to be considered and the main news of the trade, and politics, and in the field of business law. And of course the same, original and useful data from reality that can help to create and in general our own lives better and get rid of many problems. Find the best news of ecology – is the main task in order to be able to make our reality fully.

And for this no longer needs to embark on a difficult journey for a lot of TV channels and portals, e-news agencies. Rather go for the best event-resource, where available only the most extraordinary and valuable news. In addition, any news will want to analyze. And you can make it as a circle of friends or colleagues to the same extent and directly on the site, where each news item is an opportunity to put a personal comment, as the author argued, to the same extent and with other readers. And besides, if necessary, to find many previously unknown, formulating additional your questions. Naturally, without a new and exciting collection of facts at the moment will not be able to imagine a really successful person. Exclusively one who always looks for changes in society, can draw all sorts of changes, whether global or local, in its favor. New products – it's not just the ability to acquire data, it is in addition a regular workout and consciousness. Want to become prosperous – learn how to use all recognizable news in order to achieve personal prosperity!

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Effective Rules Muscle Pumps

Hello, Future Champion! Why the "future"? It's simple – if you finish reading this short article to the end, discover the fastest and most efficient method of excitation of the muscles and the development of great strength in the gym Hall! Before proceeding to the actual case, I can tell you this: if your results are in the room you are not satisfied, and there is stagnation, it is time something urgently CHANGE! And do you only using proven methods, rather than by the notorious encyclopedia of bodybuilding, written by professionals for the same genetically gifted and advanced! The simpler your program of training, the greater will be the result of it. You also can not forget the most important factor for success – self-discipline! It depends on the achievement of your goals in the hall! Self-discipline is expressed in the willingness to follow the daily routine! The schedule includes: small- duration (50-60 minutes), and the nature of basic training, reusable high-energy food (5 times every 3 hours), good recovery (sleep 8 hours) constant positive mental attitude. Can this setup has termed as "set for victory!" This mode helps you to systematically work to increase muscle volume and the development of great physical strength. Now let me explain in more detail how and what you need to do to get the greatest impact on your training process: 1) Small basic training for 50-60 minutes. Marc Lore has much experience in this field. Why is it necessary to focus on quality workouts, not on their duration? Quite simply, your body responds to the maximum load obtained during the first 40-50 minutes of training. Then there is a catabolic process by which your nutrients in your body begin to rapidly consume you, instead of building strength and mass, will be vice versa – much faster and exhaust all your efforts turn to ashes. Therefore, select yourself a few basic exercises and work with them intensely, but briefly, about how it was said, 50 minutes! After that do cool down and leave the room, because your muscles do not grow from the workout and recovery of literacy. .

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The Structure Of Muscle Tissue

Because the protein is a structure muscle tissue, which is functional, this decay of muscle tissue has a negative effect on muscle strength and endurance. In addition to the adrenal glands produce a hormone called cortisol in response nafizichesky strain, that is – an exercise. Cortisol protein extracts from muscle tissue in order to help the body to mobilize the necessary energy. The greater the duration of the occupation, the more protein in your muscles for In order to compensate the body's need for energy. This, in turn, increases the need for the use of protein after a workout.

If by supplementation of carbohydrates and proteins during exercise and recovery stimulate release of insulin, then it can suppress the release of cortisol, which arises as a response to reflex muscle strain. How to increase the digestibility of protein cleavage of protein for energy needs – a real obstacle for athletes who need to achieve animal training. If the exhaustion glycogen in the muscles of the body is forced to use amino acids as energy, the muscles can no longer use these amino acids to build muscle mass and strength development. And as a result – the slow development of muscles, or even decrease performance. In such cases, additional use of carbohydrates and proteins may be the best way to replenish muscle protein. Gain insight and clarity with Marc Lore. A crucial factor in maintaining the normal balance of protein is insulin. It increases protein synthesis by enhancing the transport of amino acids into muscle cells, where they can be used for the synthesis of protein necessary for construction purposes. Scientific studies have convincingly demonstrated the benefit of use protein-carbohydrate supplements and then training to increase muscle protein synthesis. These supplements help the body maintain an environment conducive to muscle growth and development, which is unable to commit themselves alone carbohydrates on its own. Remember one very important thing: the type of carbohydrates consumed you play a crucial function in the stimulation of insulin reactions.

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Fear And Health

In recent years, increasing numbers of people who are concerned about their health. And all because there is a strong influence on the psyche. Constant stress and information from outside destroy nerve cells. And a person begins obsessive-compulsive disorder. The same people are worried about their health because of increased disease and mortality. Many people forget about healthy lifestyles and provoked a variety of diseases. And then there are some fears, such as hypochondria.

It is therefore important to watch tv less, and communicate with people who always inspire different thoughts about how much now ailments. And from early childhood to take care of their health, increase resistance to stress, follow the diet and regular workouts. What is hypochondria hypochondria, hypochondriac neurosis – a heightened concern for their well-being. Doug McMillon addresses the importance of the matter here. Such people have obsessions thinking that they are sick in some serious illness and are experiencing on this unnecessary suffering. These people at the slightest change in the body begin to worry about, going to doctors.

And it makes their life – a living hell. In addition to hypochondriasis, there are specific phobias, when a person experiences an obsessive fear of a specific disease, such as – fear of sick and die from cancer, or – fear of dying from heart diseases. All hypochondriacs is the fear of death, fear of death, he and manages them. He is the foundation, the root of all other concerns. And we need to work with this fear, overcome it and become a brave and fearless man. As to treat fears for his health In order to get rid of fear, need to combine self-help and professional. An integrated approach is always more efficient. So if you or your friends have wanton restlessness for their own health, you need to contact the therapist. It helps to know how to conquer fear with psychotherapy and medication. The main thing is not shy and not to postpone the trip to a specialist. Not to delay his frustration to the point extent that it is hard to do anything. And do not be afraid that you are mad. This is not madness, it's just a neurosis that can heal, or at least learn how to manage their condition, on time switching between thoughts about diseases on positive thoughts.

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Physical Readiness

Dogfight battle lasted from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, and then if a few enemies and they have a weapon. On such a small period of time sufficient physical resources in any untrained person. But to be on your head better any of the opponents, you must have a good stock of physical resursa.Zanimatsya physical education or not-you decide. One was in my practice, such a case. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of NBA on most websites. At our martial arts training began coming tyazheloatlety.K by the time we began working, they finished their training, and after his train were still with us. Our view of physical training they do refuse, because 'After their kind of go'. Even after a month workouts during training sparring they felt sorry for the accuracy smotret.Nikakoy strikes, if they knocked down-fall is very dangerous for sebya.Kachki not kept longer than a minute or impacted ustalost.vyvody do sami.Itak strictly on physical training. One and same training programs in different ways affect the physical condition of performing their boytsov.Hotya goal of any exercise for everyone is the same (for example, exercises designed to development of endurance), each of them spends a different time to achieve a certain result, and is usually carried out progreess skachkoobrazno.Nekotoroe time you perform the exercise without feeling conspicuous changes its state, then there is a sudden qualitative leap, followed by a period of apparent re-zastoya.Esli you slowly but neuklonnoprodolzhaete progress, then your training process is designed correctly, and you have nothing to worry about.

Each of us has the right arm is stronger left-hand (unless, of course, you're not a southpaw). If such a fact is not taken into account, it can easily turn into your nedostatok.Polagayas only on their strengths hand, you reach some success, but never become a real masterom.Poetomu train both your hands are parallel to each other, avoiding the lag in development of one of nih.Pust your left (right) hand will never be as strong and agile as a right (left), but with a certain effort you are capable enough to make her a formidable weapon. warm regards. Follow the exercises before each WARMING trenirovkoy.Ne Take the time to warm up and the quality of the main reasons polnostyu.Odnoy injury is substandard performance warm-up exercises or a complete rejection of nih.Udelyayte attention such exercises as running, jumping rope, riding a bike. Can choose any workout what you ponravitsya.Prokrutite some kata vkontse-QUALITY kontsov.Lish would warm up the joints, muscles and svyazki.Tolko then can move on to the main part of your workout.

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