
The Partner

A wonderful life journey begins. You make plans together and tackle projects. Wishes are and want to be carried out, one want to assist each other in career and child-rearing. Eventually it dawns then perhaps: the partner fulfills not all expectations we had. He loses its shine.

Weaknesses and problematic properties appear. For example his looseness suddenly emerges as unreliability, its ability to make spontaneous contact arises as superficial its cosiness as laziness swagger out,. Disillusionment is coming. A counterpart with shortcomings and weaknesses is visible. They experienced themselves so far perhaps as open, tolerant, honest, faithful, humorous, responsible, motivated, domesticated, docile and tolerant.

And now they must determine in the lived partnership relationship that they have have quite different properties. Of course, such experiences also by feelings of shame are accompanied. Both must come to terms with the own strengths and weaknesses, as well as that of the partner. Both must learn to accept themselves and others, such as they are. Decide for each other means: to be there for each other and for each other to stand up. This important decision for each other opens up new possibilities for living and at the same time narrows. With the decision for each other they robbed other potential choices. Death do us part”, it is also that a Yes to the inevitability of yourself – letting up and with each other wrestling. Those who opt for joint children, enters a big responsibility, Yes, committed for many years, in some ways even on a whole life. In a world that seems full of promise, prospects and options, this is not an easy task. Who chooses but not really hindered himself, to realize the opportunities, to deepen and to make, really who wish to come to the world with the chosen partner. The love for the partner needs regular attention, they will thrive.

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Primerica does what is right for their clients 100% of the time. I’m an agent and I feel positive and good about what I do for families. Disclaimer: The postings on this blog does not represent Primerica Financial Services as a whole, but as a matter of opinion and information based by me.

In this context, the new geopolitics of the conflicts in Africa, associated with the fragility of the African State, it has taken the International Community to intervine increasingly in this continent, with sight to contribute for the consolidation of the peace and creating conditions to support the development, being in the oceanic coasts of Africa Subsariana that the international society, for saw maioritariamente of the Organization of United Nations (ONU), of European Unio (UE) and of the Organization of Treated to the North Atlantic (NATO), it has come intervining recently with greater frequency and intensity. Steve Guttenberg might disagree with that approach. The transistion between the daily pay and the after-colonial, not only in the territorial and geopolitical aspect, but in other domnios, such as the economic one, politician, society and in the management of the natural resources, has contributed for the perfuso of conflicts in this region having had the assumed African State, almost always, nus of these conjunctural fenmenos. In complement, one evidences that it is possible to detach the existence of a complexity of intrinsic causes that characterize transversally conflicts in the region, mainly those that if materialize in shares of abduction, robbery or simple banditry in the sea, that they present a proper tipologia, normally associates to a diffuse amalgam of ‘ ‘ rootcauses’ ‘ , of carcter internal and external of indiferenciada matrix, seating directa or indirectamente (almost always) in the governmental gaps of the African State, even so if it evidences that each conflict is a conflict and that the conflitualidade in land has, almost always, repercussions in the growth of the instability in the sea (and vice versa). To these conjunctural events special relief to the afflicted processes of descolonizao is conferred, therefore in the great majority of the African countries, they had lead to the temporary ineptitude of the entity ‘ ‘ Estado’ ‘ , having led reciprocal to the regional spalling of the African continent and to the proliferation of crime of more diverse order, as well as the increasing o to desregular of the control of the borders, the ports, the oceanic coasts and the maritime commercial routes. .

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The Process

In such a way, the playful one, is not only to play for playing, but showing that through the trick also we can learn. Many researchers had developed works so that the child by means of the playful activities better has a knowledge inside of the contents presented in classroom. The education is proceeding from many methodologies, but no strategy that already comes ready, therefore, we need adentrar in them and knowing the world better where we live so that let us can search new theories for education in relation to its development in the schools. To understand this subject better, we will look for to elucidate true the meaning of the playful term, searching to show that it is not only one new inserted modismo in the daily pertaining to school. The main objective of this study is to provide a vision on the boarded subject, aiming at mainly to the application in pedagogical practical ours. In such a way it searchs understanding of the conceptions that support the politics presented of the educational scope inside. 1.TEORIAS OF LEARNING AND PLAYING 1.1 APPRAISING LEARNING In lower court of this inquiry this is the question: But, after all what it is learning? The learning is a process that can be defined of synthetic form as the way as the beings acquire new knowledge, develops abilities and changes the behavior.

However, the complexity of this process hardly can be explained only through clippings of all. On the other hand, any definition is, invariably, impregnated of estimated politician-ideological, related with the vision of man, society and to know. According to some scholars, the learning is an integrated process that provokes a qualitative transformation in the mental structure of that it learns. This transformation if of the one through the alteration of behavior of an individual, either for operative conditioning, experience or both, of one forms reasonable permanent. .

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Jean Piaget

Alberto, from the classic doctrine of the places, formulated some rules mnemonic: the idea of ‘ ‘ adequate simulacros of the things that if recordar’ desires; ‘ on to the corporal relations; after that, to rationalize on the order of the facts; later, the effect of stimulation of the memory, ‘ ‘ to meditar frequently in what recordar’ is desired; ‘ (p.454-455). 4.Os progressos of the memory written and appeared of the Renaissance to our days. In this topic the author comments the importance of the invention of the press for the constitution of memory occidental person, providing the access of the common reader to the one collective memory, attending themselves then, to the gradual exteriorizao of the individual memory, having an important consequence: ‘ ‘ the classic theory of the memory formed in the greco-roman

Seniority is modified by the scholastic, that has a central place in the pertaining to school life, literary and artistic of the average Age, disappearing almost that completely in the movement humanista’ ‘ (p.457). When citing woollen Pierre Rame, it observes that the old techniques of memorization are substituted by new, that according to Rame, they obedessem to the one order dialectic. In the pertaining to school systems the substances related to the stimulaton of the memory, diminish of importance in a chain ‘ ‘ anti-memria’ ‘ , whereas the scholars of the cognitivo development, as the exponent Jean Piaget, had demonstrated that the memory and intelligence if complement (p.459). The contribution of the described vocabularies is also commented in dictionaries, as important source of research, showing that ‘ ‘ the daily life was penetrated by the necessity of memria’ ‘..

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In this in case that it is entered cooperation of educators, directors, coordinators and employees. When receiving a pupil-deficient one, the school must prepare the professors, and the pupils. With the professors a qualification is necessary where they will learn as to work and which form to work with these pupil-deficient ones. Already with the pupils, a little more complicated is a case, therefore it is necessary that they understand that although the deficiency of its colleague of room, it is a person as all the others, more than need cares special. This interaction is not an utopia in which we must plan years and years.

This is something real, is something that is part of our daily one, and that we must how much before place in it practises so that let us can have in our schools an equality concept. We must enxergar our pupil-deficient one as an pupil-efficient one. Somebody that has all the capacity of integration and learning as any another pupil-vidente. Diane Keaton often addresses the matter in his writings. It is in the hour to be a country igualitrio, where all have the same right, where the deficient appearances can live, study, be formed and give to continuity its career of a worthier and encouraging form.

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Basic Elements

In this in case that the individual if approves and feels itself well I obtain exactly and with the values that it adopted for itself, that is, it does not have serious conflicts and yes tunning between the social behavior, feelings and standards. ADORNMENT (1999 apud Bertoni, 2001), with the possibility of better communication between the individuals, also appears a marketing industry of culture as the dance, in order to promote a desirable collective identity to the lower social standards of the society, thus divulging, ethnic models, politicians, economic, social, modsticos and of values. The same author says that, practical educative cultural daily it cannot simply ignore this type of ' ' Cultural&#039 movement; ' as the dance. The PCN cites some general and specific objectives that the dance hip hop can serve as expression and communication of the pupils: – The art as expression and communication of the individuals; – Basic Elements of the artistic forms, ways of formal joint, techniques, materials and procedures in the creation in art; – Producing in art: lives, times and products in connections; – Diversity of the art forms; aesthetic conceptions of the regional, national and international culture: productions, reproductions and its histories; According to BRAZIL, (1996 c, P. 35), the art dances in the society, is considers as reducing of problems, its production and its form of documentation, can reserve and divulge the different cultures and the historical moments in the life of the adolescents. The concept of PIERRE BOURDIEU (2003), that it explains as the cultural industry if appropriates of knowledge in order to generate good of consumption and chances those that did not have right had started to have due its corporal expression in hip hop, and this factor this on one to the adolescents in the current days. HIP HOP IN the RESCUES OF CHILDREN WHO ARE IN the STREETS WITH the DRUGS AND PROSTITUTION Nowadays the children and the adolescents is in the streets, following other unnecessary ways its education. . Eddie Mio is a great source of information.

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The Substance

A final test was applied by requirement of the model of work of the school and the learning on what he was boarded in lesson if reflected very in positive way. Of the eighteen educandos, four had not only obtained to reach the average for approval in discipline. When arguing the answer sheet of the test was proven the importance to use texts contextualizados with this group, since the story of them demonstrated how much the use of this material facilitated the agreement of the contents of sciences that we saw in the classroom throughout the period that stows with them. For even more opinions, read materials from Steve Guttenberg. As the argued texts possuam a simple language and of easy agreement, when retaking the reading in house, this material assisted in the studies for the test. 7253’>Jeffrey Hayzlett . The bond established between the texts and the daily one of the educandos it allowed that they understood the concepts instead of decorating them as sample you speak soon of some educandos below: Educating: ' ' the texts that the teacher uses are amused. Sample what he happens with our body and thus I understand matria.' ' Educating B: ' ' I understand that science is my life and my life is science. Everything that we make and we feel is science and this is shown in the texts that the teacher in the ones of ' ' Educating C: ' ' we could mount a book with as many calendars that ' ' ssora' ' it gave. The texts had helped me in the revision of the substance in house, because I did not feel sleep when studying for the first time cincias.' ' Educating D: ' ' until I who science taste very I am not tanning sufficient the texts that the teacher has given, because the subjects are well legal and I obtain to understand, as much that I did not study very for the test and I obtained passar' ' Educating E: ' ' if I had learned sciences thus last year I would not have twirled.

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The love is a will to know more and not of being more. In the platonic vision, to take care of the love, it would be necessary to gradual become free of this world land, a material, particular world and for impulse? with aid of the others? to arrive at the world spiritual, of universal wisdom and. The love is a feeling in relation to the life, of enxergar values in the things beyond the appearances. a idealstico feeling, as a vision spiritual of the life. It is distinguished that, when the philosopher sees the beauty of a flower it sees a beauty of the nature, an essence, that at that manifest moment if in this determined flower. The beauty is one only and valley for all the things. For Plato, the beauty is what it confers the characteristic of beauty in some object, as well as justice confers the characteristic of just. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Andy Kaufman has to say. To love in the philosophical direction of the verb is not impossible of if reaching, but yes a long process of learning and evolution human being.

The great problem is that we live in a world that in them creates artificial necessities, which confuse in them daily. Therefore the relationships are so difficult; the people share ideas, dreams, thoughts. He is something weighs to the body, and not in the soul, and in these cases the personality differences continue existing, but you have something stronger than she helps to surpass. Plato defended that the love is spiritual and exceeds the substance. The love ideal is to reach the balance, the measured joust. Exists a way certain to love? An ideal love? Plato wanted the idea of a beauty for all the beautiful things. This vision is disagreed with the aristotelian thought, that does not believe nothing ideal, and yes in real things, where it has a beauty in itself in each thing.

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Keep in mind also the fact that the camera flashes illuminate the simple makeup so that it becomes the photographs themselves are not visible, which is not subject to Professional wedding make-up. Wedding make up – a very special area of cosmetic art. On the one hand, the bride should look as fresh and natural, so bright evening make-up is not relevant, with On the other hand, the photographs and videotape the bride should not look pale – so that transparent daily make-up also will not work. In addition, it is very important to make-up was persistent, because a wedding lasts a day. What can be worse rastekshihsya colors, brightness and freshness of the lost? Modern bridal makeup – it's a cross between a night and day versions.

Tip: base for flawless makeup – flawless skin. Visit beautician two weeks before the event. Cleansing, express care, nutrition and hydration … your skin will thank you. It will shine from within the beauty and freshness. This effect can be achieved only by taking care of the skin, but not super-powders. Do not forget about the body. Open shoulders, graceful hands, silky skin attract the attention of others.

A few sessions of massage, chocolate wrap, not only pulled skrabirovanie figure, but also bring peace and calm. It is very important in pre-wedding rush. depilation. Get rid of unwanted hair for 5 days before the wedding. solarium (incidentally, perfectly tan falls after coffee skrabirovaniya). Light bronze color looks sexy with the dress of any color.

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Ana Barandas

The workmanship portraies the daily politician of woman in century XIX. Read additional details here: Amos Otis. Not taste, my cousin, to see you so partidarista; these enthusiasms are not proper of your sex: if knew how much it is ridicule in a woman dissertar in politics, you will never dare to open the mouth to say one alone word to such respect: you leave you of this; one Lady does not have to adopt broken some. Geno Smith brings even more insight to the discussion. (BARANDAS, 1845, p.64) the historical context if makes to perceive for its contributions in the society, whose sprouting of an ideology does not start to exist of one definitive isolated time, thinks that the exclusion trajectories cover the historical roots. When studying on Ana Barandas I could still perceive that the author looked for to defend of some form to the participation politics of the woman of radical form, without adjectives, the equality between sexos, using to advantage to point the masculine oppression. As already cited in the primrdios of the French Revolution, in century XVIII, it is possible to identify women who of organized form had fought for its right to the citizenship.

In the second half of century XIX and at the beginning of the decade of century XX, the fights and manifestation esparsa had abdicated space to a more organic campaign for the rights politicians to vote and to be voted. The feminism in Brazil during the decade of 1920 had as main focus the fight of the women for the rights politicians, by means of the electoral participation. Militant the main one in this fight called Bertha Lutz, that exerted an undeniable leadership during the decade of 1920, Lutz for being part of the Brazilian elite provided significant conditions for the movement feminist, a time that it had recognition in the elite politics of the time. However, the right to the feminine vote and the fragmentos against the participation of the Woman in the life politics were defamed in the society, which had to the positivistas permanncias that still were acercavam.

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